Chapter Seventeen

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Bluestar padded over to Lionheart's limp body. She had grief in her eyes and step. Her head hung low, and her tail dragged against the marsh grounds. The Clan was silent around her and stood, waiting for her to sit vigil next to her former deputy. Waterpaw stayed across the clearing. Even though she knew the fallen warrior, she didn't feel comfortable sitting vigil for him so close by. He was Graypaw's mentor. Who knows who will mentor him now.

Spottedleaf laid down, her paws tucked underneath her chest. Everyone took turns grieving and paying their respects before the burial. Once everyone was finished, Bluestar raised her head high and looked upon silverpelt as she spoke. "Even though you weren't deputy very long, I still honored your loyalty to the Clan. You had great passion and love as you served your Clan." She paused, looking down on Lionheart. "I say these words before StarClan, so that Lionheart may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of ThunderClan is..." She paused again, looking at the crowd of cats. "Tigerclaw." 

Waterpaw's eyes widened. She glanced over at Tigerclaw to see if he gloated, but he showed no signs. He had a bit of pride, and puffed out his chest as the Clan yowled out his name.

"Tigerclaw! Tigerclaw!" The clan's voices rang out.

Waterpaw stayed silent. She couldn't possibly be happy with a cat that killed another warrior, let alone a former deputy. Who knows, he may have planned Lionheart's death as well. Supporting that would just crush her. Spottedleaf padded over to Waterpaw. She glanced over at her, noticing her tail twitching with annoyance.

"I know," She mewed, resting her tail on Waterpaw's flank. 

Waterpaw looked up at her, knowing that she understood. "I must speak with Bluestar soon."

Spottedleaf nodded her head in agreement. "All in good time." 

Tigerclaw padded onto the highrock next to Bluestar. He cleared his throat before he spoke to the Clan. "I am honored to take this position as your new deputy." He began. "and by the spirit of Lionheart, I vow to serve you as best I can."  

Waterpaw turned her head. She didn't want to hear what else he had to say. Luckily, he didn't say anything more and leaped down from the highrock.

Bluestar rose again from her paws and spoke softly to the Clan. "Yellowfang showed true loyalty as she fought by our side," She began, looking at the old gray she-cat. "I would like to invite you to be a full member of our Clan, if you wish."

The gray she-cat dipped her head, and closed her eyes briefly as she spoke, "I would be honored to join your Clan, Bluestar."

"Good." She mewed, then looked at the rest of the Clan. "We must rebuild. I assume that the war with ShadowClan is not over." She began. She twitched the tip of her tail with unease. "I'm sure they will return soon, so we need more border patrols." She looked over at Whitestorm and Mousefur, "Please get a patrol ready after the burial of Redtail." The two warriors dipped their heads in respect. "The meeting has come to an end." She flicked her tail to the two elders standing by the elders den. 

The old warriors padded up to the limp body of Lionheart, picked him up and dragged him to the hole that was dug up. The put him in there and made sure he was fully covered with dirt. Warriors all around sat, still grieving over their fallen deputy. Spottedleaf started going around, binding and treating any scratches and deep wounds that needed attention. Bluestar refused any help until all the warriors had their treatments first. 

Waterpaw followed Spottedleaf, making sure to keep all the herbs needed bundled up and not mixing any together. When they finally came to Bluestar, she dropped the last bundle of herbs in front of her. "Here." Mewed Waterpaw. "At least eat these to help ease any pain."

Bluestar looked up at her with sadness in her eyes, then licked them up quickly. Spottedleaf sniffed Bluestar's leg and wrapped it up with some cobwebs. "This will stop any bleeding." She purred, then padded away to the medicine den. Waterpaw padded slowly behind her. She could tell that something was troubling her, but she didn't dare prod her with any questions. She was exhausted from the fight, and circled around her moss nest a few times before settling in and tucking her paws under her chest. She fell into deep sleep.


Firepaw padded into the medicine den. Spottedleaf was pacing back and forth, worried. She seemed more tense than yesterday. He stared at her with concern as he spoke. "Are you alright?"

"The spirits of StarClan are restless." She mewed. "I fear they are trying to tell me something." She shook her head to clear it, "What can I do for you, Firepaw."

Firepaw didn't prod what she meant. "Some poppy seed for Graypaw."

"Graypaw's loss will not an easy fix, but yes, some poppy seeds will help." She murmured. She padded over to the herb store and delicately grabbed a few poppies, then dropped them in front of Firepaw. "This should do."

Firepaw picked them up in his teeth, careful not to swallow or squish them, then padded off towards his friend. Before he left the entrance of the medicine den, Spottedleaf called out to him. "Wait!"

Firepaw turned to face her, turning his head in curiosity.

Waterpaw's eyes blinked open at the sound of Spottedleaf's sudden call to Firepaw. She lifted her head and saw Spottedleaf speaking to the young apprentice. She stretched her neck out, and pricked her ears, hoping to hear something. "Fire alone can save our Clan." 

Waterpaw tilted her head. Surely fire is feared by all Clans. How can fire save a Clan? But then she widened her eyes in shock, unless Spottedleaf meant, Firepaw alone can save our Clan? She shook her head to clear it. Surely an apprentice can't save a Clan without anyone else by his side. She saw Firepaw's eyes widen with dismay, then Spottedleaf spoke again, "Take care, young one." She mewed, then turned around to face Waterpaw. "Good, you're awake." She added. And with a flick of her tail, she bounded off towards the herb store. "We have much to do."

Waterpaw stretched out her front legs, then back legs and made a big yawn. " Collecting herbs for new-leaf, right?" She mewed, padding towards Spottedleaf.

Spottedleaf nodded. "Yes, we must keep this herb store stocked. Now, look at it, and tell me what herbs we need, and what herbs we have plenty of."

Waterpaw felt her stomach tense up. She knew the herbs, but suddenly she forgot almost the names of almost every one. She closed her eyes, trying to remember the smell, taste and image of each plant. "Rosemary, thyme, basil, and watermint, heather nectar, lavender and mallow leaves, we have plenty of." She began. Then she opened her eyes and looked at what was missing and what she had very little of. "Catmint, juniper, marigold, stinging nettle and tansy we need more of." She then tried desperately to smell for the herbs that were missing entirely, "Willow leaves, yarrow, sorrel, parsley, honey and horsetail we are missing." She looked up at Spottedleaf, who was nodding approvingly.

"Very good." She purred. "See, you know your herbs well. I knew you could do it. You'll be a full medicine cat in no time!"

Waterpaw sighed with relief. She was for sure that we was missing something or that she got some names wrong. Spottedleaf's approval and praise made her proud. She couldn't wait to be a full medicine cat. But that was much further away. She still had much to learn before she could even think about taking on full responsibility.  

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