39 - Inside "Job"...

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Ranboo searched for some kind of light source. The darkness was overwhelming for him, but he had to try.

Purple... why is it purple? Wh- what is Dream doing to me? Wait... what if it's not Dream... maybe... maybe he's trying to save me...

From every possible place a voice rang through Ranboo's head.

"You're back! But it's daytime! Heh... heh heh... oh no. Your body's walking to your friends. What are they going to do when they find out? They'll think... you're a freak... I don't want that for you... so let me help!"

How? How can you help me?

"Just trust me, I've got this. You'll be awake again in no time!"

He thought for a moment before deciding. He'd let Dream help him. After all, what's the worst that could happen?

-Outside of EB Games-

Tommy and Toby stood outside of the game store in silence. Ranboo was still inside, looking around. He hadn't spoken much but Toby couldn't help thinking that what he'd said was a little strange...

Maybe he's just tired. He probably woke up too early for the time we went to sleep. It was still weird though...

-A few minutes earlier-

"Hey, Ranboo! Dang, you take a much faster time in the bathroom than Tommy." Toby had said as he grabbed another plushie from the shelf.

"Hmm... I guess so... it's... he doesn't take... that long..." Ranboo had spoken quietly.

His voice sounds different. Huh, weird.

"Soo... Toby, how would you describe yours and Tommy's relationship?" Ranboo asked.

Toby jumped and turned to Ranboo. He hadn't been expecting the question, especially from Ranboo.

"Uh- umm... he's my best friend! I mean, your one of my best friends too, but he's been with me since... uhh... since a while. Why do you ask?" Toby tilted his head.

His eyes... they look... purple? Wait- who am I kidding, I can barely see his eyes behind the sunglasses! They still look a bit glow-y and purple-y...

Ranboo turned away and walked to a shelf nearby. Toby watched him leave, concerned for why he'd been acting so strange...

-In the present-

"Toby? TOBY!" Tommy punched Toby in the arm as he spaced out again.

"Ow! What?" Toby asked, putting his hands on his hips.

"Why is Ranboo taking so long?" He sighed.

Toby looked down, pondering the same question. He should be done by now, right? It's strange...

Perhaps he's just really indecisive? Hmm... m- maybe he's... just... hmm.

The two boys sat in silence as they continued to think about what could be going on...

-With Dream-

Whoa... he's taller than I thought.

Dream looked up at the shelf he was in front of. Various games stood out to him.

Uh... well... okay. Just- oh jeez I haven't walked in a while- oh god-

He felt his legs giving out as he slipped to the floor. His arms flopped by his sides as he crumbled onto the ground.

How do you do this again? Uh... right foot forwards? Wait no- I have to get up first.

Gaining control over his movements, Dream slowly stood up, using the shelves to balance himself.

Perfect. Now walking...

Carefully, Dream put one foot forwards, gripping the shelf tightly. Once he had stood straight up, he scanned the room. Shelves, cash desk, other... stuff.

Now the voice... has it changed?

Clearing his throat, Dream tried to speak.

"H- hello. Oh that's not right. That's so off... oh no- um... *ahem* Hello? That's better... still not perfect, but I'tll do for now."

Dream walked to the door, waving to Grayson as he left. Looking around for Tommy and Toby, he noticed another familiar figure in the distance.

Is that..?

"Ranboo, my friend! Why did you take so long? Toby already left to go see... whoever is over there. Let's go look!" Tommy exclaimed, startling Dream.

Grabbing him by his wrist, Tommy dragged Dream with him.

Wow, he sure is strong! Oh my god please stop-

"Toby! Where have you been?" Tommy grabbed Toby by his shoulders as he spoke.

And loud, very loud.

"I- I told you I was going to see Wilbur and Charlie. They ended up here as well- RANBOO!" Toby's eyes lit up.

"Uh- hi, T- Toby." Dream said, his voice shaking slightly.

"Ah, Ranboo! We haven't spoken in a while." Wilbur laughed placing a hand on Dream's shoulder.

"Heh heh... yeah..." Dream trailed off.

The four other boys began talking about something or other as they continued walking. Toby made Wilbur and Tommy carry some of his bags filled with plushies. Charlie somehow incorporated "goop" and "slime" into every sentence. Dream stayed quiet and let the others talk.

If I don't talk, they won't suspect anything. Or... will that be anticlimactic? Maybe they'll think something is wrong and start prodding...

"Where have you been, Charlie?" Tommy asked as if they hadn't spoken in months.

"Well Tommy, I've been here and there. Mostly hiding in the goopy caves of my mental prison. We're all gonna be-" Charlie cut himself off as though he had remembered something.

"We have English on Monday, right? Well Mr. Minecraft found a drama teacher to help with the... play? Whatever he called it. You're hoping for the role of Alexander, right?" Charlie continued.

"Yeah! Wait how did you know?" Tommy questioned.

"I just know- I guessed. You seemed like the kind of guy to want the lead role." Charlie answered.

His words are... puzzling. "We're all gonna be-"... what was he going to say? Maybe I should... try and find out more... no no. No. Not now. Not...

"Anyways, Tommy. Are you gonna be busy later? I was wondering if you wanted to play something at my house. Not to exclude anyone, I also wanted to talk about Ms. Devial." Charlie frantically explained.

"I would, but I've got plans with my good friends Toby and Ranboo! Maybe another time? We can shout mean things about her!" Tommy exclaimed.

Not here. Not yet.

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