chapter 22

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"why do I have to wear these?"jimin asked when he see the clothes Jihun give him.

"come on hyeong it's your birthday"

"it's tomorrow, not today" 

"just do it fr me" Jihun pouted.

"okay am doing stop pouting" jimin smiled at his brother's cuteness.

"okay am doing stop pouting" jimin smiled at his brother's cuteness

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-cough - cough-

Every eye in the living room was on jimin and jimin felt it awkward.

"is am not looking good let me change-"

"no no you are looking like a whole snack-"

"yah mind your words" Jihun interrupt Riya whether others were still looking at the beauty in front of them.

"you look great hyeong," soohun said.

"I know right" Jihun smirked and walk to his hyeong and back to hug him.

"thanks ' jimin smiled.

"Okay now let's go" everyone headed out of the house.

"where is everyone going," jimin asked.

"for your birthday celebration we had only fifteen minutes left" Jihun pulled him and they all sat in the car and Jihun start driving and others were singing loud with the music.

Jimin was happy but a little confused because he was the one older than all of the rs. Suddenly the car stops there was only dark and it seems like a park in which they used to play when he was a child he loved this park but it's not the right time to come they all make their way into the park pulling confuse jimin.

"what are you all doing-" Jihun kept a finger on jimin's lips and signal him to see in a direction. As jimin turned there was nothing but dark

"he is here" Jihun shouted.

Suddenly the dark park start lighting up in colorful lights all the trees benches and slides were looking beautiful jimin felt it beautiful and his eyes also lit up at the beautiful scenes then he see a bunch of persons walking up to him.

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CUTE PARK JIMIN HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" the whole park lit up with the wishing and jimin felt his eyes watery.

"happy birthday Chim Chim" tae hugged jimin and jimin hugged back he looked up and everyone was standing there they all hugged him one by one and wishes him. Jimin start to look for yoongi as he listen to the voice and it was yoongi, everyone out of my way if anything happens to Minnie's cake I will make sure it will be the last birthday you will ever attend" and everyone gives way to yoongi for jimin. Yoongi was holding a chocolate cake with candles when he reached jimin. Jimin was looking at him with teary eyes and a smile on his beautiful face. Jimin blows the candles and everyone again starts to sing the birthday song to jimin. Yoongi slowly approach to jimin

"happy birthday dear, I love you" yoongi whispers in his ear and kiss on jimin's forehead.

"I love you too" jimin smiled and hugged yoongi, yoongi also hugged back and put his head on the other.

"yeah now let my jiminie go can't you see there are so many children here" jin whined everyone starts laughing and yoongi let go of jimin. 

Everyone start dancing with the beat and play on the slides tae pulled jimin to lead on one of the slides. Jimin was also playing and enjoying until a message popped on his phone jimin smiled at the message himself to the parked car. As he reached to the cr a hand-pulled him in the back seat.


"shhh let me speak" jimin just nodded as yoongi wrapped his arms around younger making him almost sit on his lap. "my Minnie happy birthday to you it took me a lot of effort to make these decorations and sorry for lying to you I just want to give you a surprise but your surprise was more good".

"my surprised?"

"yes who told you to look this good " yoongi kissed jimin's cheek and jimin giggled.

"I love you,   Minnie"

"I love you too hyeong" 

Yogi lift jimin's chin facing him and admire every feature on his younger face but his eyes are stuck on his cute but tasty plum lips which taste delicious than anything else in the whole world jimin peck on yoongi's lips but it was not enough for older he close the gap by putting his lips to younger they felt sweet and delicious he wanted to be in this feeling for like forever he bites youngers bottom lip and jimin moaned in pain and pleasure and yoongi grabbed this chance to explore youngers mouth is like in search of something jimin pulled back in lack of breath and found a little breathless hungry yoongi who was just staring at him with love and passion jimin place his hands on back of yoongi's neck and yoongi pull jimin closer to him and go for there second kiss it was well as first one yoongi pulled jimin closer by pulling his thigh signaling younger to sit on the hip lap as jimin did. They were lost in their universe as the phone buzzed they break the kiss t see who is it. 

It was namjoon yoongi picked up and jimin hugged older


"hyeong jin hyeong is calling for you too" earning a humm for return and the phone ended.

"let's go hyeong"

"no, let's sit like this for a while."      

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