07. Dreams - Kiril

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A rather unlikely event occured three days after that banquet.

Lanista Aurelius was summoned by Augustus. As a consequence, his wife Lavinia was left alone for a few days.

It happened also to be more or less a coincidence, that she had other noble wives visiting their estate daily. And as entertainment, all were watching the gladiators train.

"It looks like the noble lady is having a feast of her own while the husband is gone, one of the slave girls told me," said Marcus smirking to Erik.

"So? That is none of our business," answered Erik dismissively.

"You think? Who do you think will be the entertainment?"

"Looking forward to it..." said Erik with the same enthusiasm.

"I am sure your pretty face will put you on the favourite list, not even speaking about the Northman. Lucky bastards."

Kiril was listening even if his gaze was on the arena. So the noble lady was planning to have a fun time while the husband was gone. That was good. He started becoming restless; they didn't want to be prisoners there for ever. Three days were more than enough
He missed good food, a toothbrush, or a damn toilet and the wound where the centurion had punctures his rib still didn't heal properly and needed some cleaning.

That same evening, four of the eight gladiators from their cell got escorted to the bathing quarters again. It was no surprise that he and Erik were selected. So was Marcus that chanted in joy, and a young, black haired celt called Cormac.

Still cuffed, they were brought to the banquet room. Five other gladiators from other cells were waiting there also. There were only women, four in number besides the mistress.

The women were walking along them looking them up and down, talking and giggling.

"Did you miss being looked upon like a piece of meat?" asked Kiril.

Erik was looking particularly grim that night. He probably also knew what was going to happen.

"Yeah, feels almost like a Blood Moon night."

Kiril smiled unwillingly at the comparison and the irony. He remembered his first Blood Moon night. It had certainly not been his first time per se, but it was the first time that had mattered. He had been so many things that night: foolish, brave, naive and many other. It had been the first time he thought he was going to mate with somebody he loved. It had proven to be the total opposite in the end when he slipped into Selene's mind and learned the truth about her.

Now he acknowledged he had never slept with anybody he loved, ever. People say it's one of the best feelings in the world. He couldn't help but wonder and feel stupid for doing so.

A brunette woman was tracing the lines of the markings on his chest.

"He is so sublimely beautiful. I want him."

"So be it, Cornelia. You are our special guest."

"Which of you speaks his language?" asked Lavinia.

"Only he does, mistress," said Marcus pointing at Erik.

"Hmm," said Cornelia looking at Erik.

"Northman blood seem to produce extraordinarily beautiful offsprings.Tell him he belongs to me for the next hours."

"Looks like you are having some fun, Kiril," said Erik trying to seem mocking and nonchalant. This time Kiril didn't need his gift to know that Erik was beyond uncomfortable.

"Listen, the quarters where they bring us are facing the street and I suppose they will untie us and give the mistress some privacy. Get yourself a rich, stinky and bored roman wife and see you outside," said Kiril bowing down to Cornelia.

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