37. If it were my choice - Kiril

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Seeing brother Vladimir after more than eighty years wasn't without an impact. Regardless of how powerful Kiril had becomes in the meantime, very deep down, somewhere, was still the child that was chained to a wall since he could remember, and that had to teach himself to walk or speak and to understand his very strange powers.

At first, Kiril, that wasn't much older than a toddler, didn't understand that people had two voices, the one when they moved their lips and the one when they weren't, and the one when they weren't, wasn't meant for others to hear. The other children in the monastery were very frightened when he spoke to that second voice, so he learned to keep it for himself that he could hear it. He also understood that that was the voice of secrets and secrets were good to know if you wanted people to do you favours.

The strange boy Kiril used to be was a quick learner despite the circumstances and he understood early enough that it was better for the brothers not to know all the things he could hear and see or do. It was difficult enough to deal with all the things they made him do and use his wolf power for. He wished he could have hidden that too but that wasn't possible.

Regardless of how powerful he was now, brother Vladimir reminded him of a time when he had been anything but that and a tiny bit of him still harboured fear under the deep hate and resentment. He was one of the three leaders of the monastery back in the day. Brother Ladislav had died by his hand after he became Alpha in the very same night he found Ju, and brother Dimitri had been old a hundred years ago, so he must have died at some point of old age. He was the one that liked to watch. He never carried out a punishment himself but he liked more than anything else to watch while the others were torturing him.

Another deep breath. It was over. They were surrounded by fire and smoke but it was over. He looked at Angel that knelt before Michael's lifeless body. The boy had indeed done something that he hesitated doing, he did something that he wasn't sure he would have been even capable to, to stab the person he loved, the only person he ever loved, for the greater good.

Kiril cared about the greater good to some extent, also acted according and killed Selene not only out of revenge, but also for the survival of their kind. Regardless, he was well aware that was a selfish pragmatist, he would have chosen revenge over their kind if it came to that and his own desire over the greater good. His own desire...

Mila was laying on that sacrificial altar of theirs. He hadn't been sure what kind of magic they wanted to do, but they didn't get to accomplish the ritual.

Mila was bleeding and her pulse was erratic, he could feel that and knew they had to hurry.

"Angel, stand up, we have to go. And stop the damn fire."

Angel was still lying besides Michael's body with tears streaming down his face ignoring him completely.

Kiril noted it like yet another problem he had to deal with. He owed him. He had brought Angel in that situation and he owed him.

Mila whimpered very slowly when he touched her face. He lifted her into his arms. She didn't make any sound anymore. That wasn't good.

"Angel, stand up, we have to leave!" he said again, this time more imperative.


He really felt like saying something nasty. The boy was wasting his time but somehow, looking at them, he saw himself years ago, when he laid down besides the body of his father not wanting to leave either. Angel didn't even have revenge to fuel him.

"Angel, I command you to stand up and leave with me now."

His muscles twitched but he didn't move.

Right. That didn't work anymore.

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