20. A different breed - Samira

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No, this can't be it. Somebody help me!


Feeling the blade on her skin, cold and biting into her body, Samira was certain those were the most humiliating moments of her life and likely among the last.

And how humiliating they were, not one drop of decency, chained, drugged, and spread half-naked on a table being cut open like a brute beast, her that was born a fighter, that dreamed of a death in battle and glory and of changing the world.

She couldn't move, her vision was blurry and she could barely breathe, it was so tempting to give up and succumb to slumber, darkness, and death if it would not have been for her daughter, the light of her life, she would have been long gone.

I cannot die! Not now! Not like this!

She screamed to herself, to her fading consciousness and she begged the universe, the gods and the titans before them, the moon goddess who and wherever she was and everything that lived and didn't, to not let her end like that and not let her daughter die.

Strangely, as she felt the power erupting from her, and her consciousness transcending space and time to bind with the only other mage known in the universe, that ironically was just in as much mortal danger as she was, she contemplated quite lucidly how that was possible and how she channeled that power that she didn't even know she had.

She felt Erik from afar and a hint of all the torment on his being, she felt the shadows eating him, and together with his fading soul was also the newly bloomed hope fading. Why was the universe so wicked to give her a little hope just to take it away in seconds.

But even after the bond was severed and Erik's consciousness slipped away, something lingered. Something was still in the air and even if her body was paralyzed, her senses rather numb she knew that something had changed and that Sanjay sensed it too, all of it. The rippling energy of her and Erik's bond made him drop the knife and that something that lingered, unsettled him to such an extent that he stopped what he was doing and moved through the room uneasily looking outside the window a few times and sniffing the hot, dry air.

"I am back, little lamb, we can proceed," he said stroking her face and hair after he seemed to have calmed down slightly.

Samira wished she could move, at least so much as to bite the fingers teasing her lips in unwanted caresses, but her body just lay there limp facing the window framing the desert sands and the slowly rising sun.

So this is how death looks, bathed in gold...

But then Samira noticed again something while she felt the blade sliding once more towards her belly button, a dot on the horizon that was getting bigger and bigger with fulminating speed, a dot that came like lightning and splintered the window into million pieces causing Sanjay to jump up and face the thunder.

Samira's view was blurry and her senses just as dull, her mind astray, but she could see the figure, blazing through the shards and shining in the dawn light, immaculately white, just like an angel...

That particular breed of angel though seemed to have crawled up from hell by the way Sanjay looked at the figure, mouth agape and eyes full of horror and rage.

Sanjay ripped his shirt open to boastful show off his alpha markings and roared earth-shattering, it was just that the other creature seemed utterly unimpressed and just leaped forward without warning, in sheer bloodlust that even Samira in her feverish state could feel pulsating through the room.

With tired eyes and a weak body, Samira was watching the fight that would decide her future too, without her tired eyes being able to follow the fighters properly.

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