Chapter 7- Piers new friend

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Hey I'm back again and w/ another chapter of Heart Risk. I hope you guys like this one.

Piers POV

I got to school on time and I stopped cry not to long agao when I was on my way here to school. My eyes were red and my face looked pail like if I lost my color when I was crying. I should've know that I wouldn't have a chance with Hayes plus he has a girlfriend. I didn't even know he had one. I wonder who it is? But why should I even care. By the way I should be happy that he is still my friend. But still though I thought I would have a chance with hi. Because we missed and because I kissed me again so I thought that he must like me or something. But I was wrong I guess....I walked up to my locker and grabbed some of my textbooks for some of my classes and to drop off some things inside my locker. Once I had my things I closed my locker and then when I turned around I bumped into someone and we both fell on the ground.

"Oww... hey watch where you going" I told the person that bumped into.

"I'm sorry i didn't see you there" the kid said as he got up first and then he gave me his hand so he can help me get up. I was rubbing my head and I still had my eyes closed. Then I opened my eyes and I saw the kid and just by seeing him I was amazed by his facial features and his eyes were blue but like light clear blue. I just stood there not saying anything and just looking at him.

"Um...well okay...I'll just go now then...sorry" He said as he left and I still didn't respond so instead like an idiot i just turned around and left to go to my first class.

Hayes POV

I got to school but I came late so instead I was walking around the halls trying not to get caught as well but then Mr. Wells the principal caught me.

"Late again Mr. Hayes?" Mr. Wells said with a deep serious

"Would you believe that I'm on my free period?" I tried lying to Mr. Wells
"No, but would you believe that I'm going to give you detention?" Mr. Wells said trying to be fucked up supposable trying to be funny as well. Dam I just wanted to punch him so I did. I socked him in the face and knocked him down on the floor and I saw an emergency axe. So I broke the the glass and grabbed the axe and I with all my strength I swung the axe and decapitated his head.

"Mr. Grier are you listening?!" Mr. Wells said bring me out of my thoughts or what I like to call "Fun Imaginary Thoughts" or "F.I.T." for short if you would prefer.

"Yes I'm listening Mr. Wells" I said sounding all mad.

"Good now go to class and I'll see you after school Mr. Grier" Mr. Wells said as he left.

I went to my second class because of course the first period ended and the bell ranged. As I was making my way to my history class I bumped into piers. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you piers..." I apologized to piers
"I doesn't matter....well bye..." Piers said as he was about to leave but I stop him by grabbing his arm and turned him around to face me.

"Look piers I'm sorry okay I didnt mean to hurt you and I know I should have told you something but I didn't and I'm sorry...." I told piers

"Just leave me alone Hayes please...." Piers begged me with saddness in his eyes.

"No piers I don't want to lose you as a friend and that's all I see you as.....I'm sorry......but your the best friend I could ask for....your the only person that doesn't see me as someone that's just famous...but you see me as more than that...that I'm a person please piers.....I don't want to lose my best friend please" I told piers sincerely and the truth.

"That's the thing Hayes I can't be friends with someone I really lik- no love. Plus you see me as just friend but I can't see you the same as you do to me. I think it would just be better if we are not friends anymore. And you don't have to worry about me Hayes you just do you and I'll do much as it hurts me I'm leaving you so good bye.....Hayes Grier." And with that piers left I couldn't stop him because my body just stood there not moving a single muscle at all. Not only that like I had like a werid kind of bad feeling when piers left. Like if my heart was aching.

Piers POV

I left Hayes back there and he didn't say anything. I know what your thinking like why not accept to just be friends its better than nothing, well no because I'm jot gonna be friend zoned screw that I'd rather feel pain for a while to not be with him but if I become friends with him I would just go insane.(falls on the floor...again)

"Hey you again" I said looking at the cute guy

"I'm sorry again I've just be thinking and having all these things that I'm not even paying attention to what I'm doing or where I'm going but never mind that I'm so sorry." The cute guy said

"Its okay plus you didn't mean to do it intentionally." I told him

"Oh no I'm not messed look if you want I could make it up to you for me dropping you down on the floor, I don't know um wanna come over to my house and hang?" The guy said

"Yeah sure why not sounds fun." I told after that he started to leave but then he turned around and came back

"Oh by the way my names Brent...Brent Rivera and meet me at the parking lot okay." Brent said as he now left.

Yes I made a new friend and his cute and I'm going over to his house later to hang out. See I told Hayes I would be fine.

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