Chapter 10- The Enemy

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Last time on chapter 9 piers was on a date with brent. Hayes with his friend prim and Hayes was wondering where piers was at and starts to say that he is developing feelings for him now. Piers had a good date with Brent and left piers at his house after. Piers mom gets mad at him for telling her where he was and who was he with. He finds out later that Hayes told on him and got mad. They get in a argument and Hayes tells piers that he likes him and lies about braking up with his girlfriend. Hayes will try everything to just be with piers...or will he? Let's find out on today's chapter 10!!!!!!!

The Enemy

Hayes POV

Ok this should be easy right?

No its not. Hey! let's just date both people yea?

And cause more trouble? No! Plus I cant juggle two people

Sure you can plus who's gonna find out?

Idk who but I'm not gonna do shut up conscious!

I swear I've been battling with myself all day long and let me tell you something I'm not crazy but if I keep doing this again then I'll officially become crazy. I really wanna be with piers but I don't want to break up with ally because....well because.....okay then there's nothing. I just got this bad feeling that she might not take it well and might do something about it. I guess fix it. But I guess I'm over thinking about it and nothing like that is going happen. Plus stuff like that only happens on TV shows, movies, and on books. So I'm good I'm just being overdramatic about this whole situation that's going on. God I really need to calm down and relax. So heres what I'll do...I'm going to brake up with ally and be with piers but for that to happen I have to make him fall really in love with me so piers can leave Brent and stay with me yay. This should be easy.

Ally's POV

Me and Hayes have been together for awhile and trust me his cute, funny, good with sex (well he never wanted to do it with me but I got him so drunk last year at a party that he was to easy to suduce and he doesn't know plus I took pics of us having sex as well just in case if anything), and he's FAMOUS. That's why I'm only with him because his famous and cuz of him I got popular and heck once that little Hayes gets rich I'm going to rob his ass and he won't even know what hit him until later on when I'm gone and finds out. Oh hold on my so called of a boyfriend Hayes is texting me haha what a loser I swear. The thing that will come to him soon. Plus u need to get rid of that prim girl. She's suspecting something n I don't want her to get in the way if my plans. That bitch has it coming to her as well.

Text between Ally and Hayes

H- hey babe...

A- hey babe what's up

H- well I want to talk to you tomorrow if its ok with you?

A- yeah you wanna talk at the back of the school where the football field is?

H- yeah but at the back of the bleachers ok

A- kk kisses babe

H- bye...

End of text

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