Chapter 9- Jealous

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Hi!!! Okay so on the left side of the picture its Prim hayes friend and on the right side its hayes girlfriend Ally. Haha okay well I hope you guys like this chapter. So without any further a do Chapter 9!!!!

Piers POV

Once Brent and I finished out breakfast we got ready and we left with his car and the best part is I'm going on a date with him the whole day and we are not going to school. I have a good feeling about this.

"So where are we going or what are we going to do all day in our DATE?" I asked Brent while he was driving.

"Well I thought that maybe we could go for an ice cream and walk at the beach. Then go buy stuff and take pictures together. Later take you to this one place I know that when you see the view and the sunset the image of it will be stuck in your head. Last do a cliché of a date by taking you to the movies where we might hold hands and kiss or over due on the kiss. How does that sound?" Brent said as he made me blush supper red on the last thing he said about what could happen if we go to the movies

"It sounds fun, romantic, and cliché. Wow you really planned this whole thing out didn't you?" I asked him

"Haha yes...yes I did plus...I really love you piers and I wanna make you happy. Your the first person that really swept me off my your different from everyone else..." Brent said as he stooped the car on a red light and turned to me to look at me in the eye

"But we just meet and this our first date...let's just take it slow and not take this out of proportion okay?" I told Brent the nicest way possible.

"Okay okay your right...well we're here" Brent said as he parked the car in front of Rita's Ice Cream Shop ( I honestly love that shop )

Brent and I got in and we order. Once we got out ice cream Brent drove us to the the beach where we walked, talked, laugh, and messed around. Soon we went shopping. I'll admitted I was the one that got avlot of stuff. Hey don't judge me I couldn't help it there are really good awesome clothes out there in the world. Anyways we finished and we finally went to the movies. No we didn't do anything. Sorry guys but I really wanted to enjoy the movie and not kiss in the middle of the theaters and make everyone or someone people uncomfortable. After the movies Brent took me home.

"Thanks for today Brent I really had fun and I almost enjoyed our date..." I told him

"Almost? Why almost?" Brent asked me with confusion

"Well you didn't take me to see that view that goes with the sunset that yo mentioned hours ago" I said as I had a smirk on my face

"Damit I forgot about that...ughhhh...look piers I'll make it up to you yeah?" Brent said

"No its okay brent I was just kidding with you haha I have an awesome time." I told him so he could clam down

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