Chapter 4- The Story Of Piers

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Hi you guys sorry I didn't update quick. I was really busy beacsue I have school, hw, my job, family probs, relationship probs, and then I have my YouTube channel so yeah........... But at least I'm here and going to make chapter 4 and I hope you guys like it too. So w/out any further a do chapter 4

Hayes POV

Mrs. Anderson looked and we were looking at each other for awhile and silence was all there was. Then Mrs. Anderson started to speak.

" Piers had a good childhood back then when he was 9....10....or 11. When he was 14 and we made him a birth day party. He told me and his dad that he has something to talk to us about. We weren't sure what it is that he needed to tell us. After the party finished and everyone left Me and Piers dad sat down on the coach and David came"

* Flash Back *

" I tell you........I need to tell you something" Piers said to his parents

"Okay? What is it son?" Piers dad asked

" g-gay................" Piers said as he had his eyes closed

" really are?.......or is this a joke?......" Piers mom asked

"No mom...........its not a joke.......I really am gay........." Piers said as he looked down at the floor

"Oh......well.....hunny you know that we are here for or straight........even big.........we are always here for you  no matter what...........we will always love you" Piers mom said having a smile on her face

"Yeah son I don't care what you are or what  you like.........your my son and I wouldn't care what others will say your my son.........and im here for you if you need to talk" Piers dad said

"Really you you guys really mean it?" Piers said with a smile and started to tear up

"Yes we really do mean it" Pier's parents said as one voice

"I love you much" David said as he went to hug his parents and they hugged him back

Back to Hayes and Davids Mom

"Things were going good........until........." Mrs. Anderson said as she looked like she was about to Burt's into tears but she manage to control her self and keep calm.

"Until what?" I asked

"Sorry about that..........anyways like I was saying things were going good until Piers dad died..........." Mrs. Anderson said as she was still calm

"If you don't mind but.........what happened to Mr. did he died?" I asked trying not to sound rude

"Piers and his dad went to go eat and then they went to go bowling.........and god how they liked spending time together...........piers and his dad HAD a really good bond......but it all changed because..........on there way back home..........they crashed.......some drunk driver got in front of them and they crashed........soon piers and my husband were at the hospital........ Piers was okay and said he was going to make but he was still knocked out and as for his dad.........well he wasn't doing so well and..........he died...........(starts to cry) I didn't know what I was going to tell piers...........when he woke uo....... He asked were his dad was.........and so I told broke my heart to see him cry and see him broken and filled with pain and took a while for piers to be okay (stops crying).......but he will never forget his father............soon piers found a guy that he liked and that he like him back........his name was jake.......... Jake was part of the football team  .............his friends didn't like it when piers and him were going they decided to do something about it by beating piers up...........when they did they beat him up so bad that he almost died...........then one of the guys whispered to him in the ear and told him to stay away from their friend Jake or they would really kill him for sure and they left.................piers was knocked out for days and weeks and months..........piers woke up last month and we moved here and well his okay but has one wound that the doctor said that it will take a while to heal but he also said that if he got injured or hit on the wound........there is a chance that he will that's why we are here and that's his story..........just please.......if anything can you look out for my son at school and when he hangs out with you guys? Because I just want him to be okay because he has been through a lot and it just has him so hurt and filled with pains and sadness inside of him...............please..........promise me................can you?" Mrs. Anderson said as she looked at me dead in the eye

"I will try and do my best to look after piers for you at school and when he is hanging out with us........don't worry Mrs. Anderson I won't let nothing bad happen to Piers."

"Thanks so much" Mrs. Anderson said as she gave me a hug

"No problem" I said and then after that I left. I went back home and decided to text piers.

Texting Between Hayes and Piers

H- can we talk piers.......please?

P- fine.......where do you want to meet up?

H- at my house.........yeah?

P- okay........I'll be there soon

H- alright

Out of the Text

Now that I know piers story I want to be his friend and be there for him........really be there for him.

Well that's were I'll stop the chapter and sorry I'm updating slow but I promise I'll update soon and make every chapter good for you to read. And don't for get to vote. Comment. Share. And all that fish sticks so yeah. Well bye and I hope you guys liked this chapter. Stay weird as you can be you guys bye :)

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