Chapter Seven ... Sari

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The Scribe Of Adornia

Of the five Omega Sari was by far the most innocent, even the goddess thought he was innocent, Sari was a prophet, but in all his centuries R'aron had only spoken to him a total of seventy times. And he hadn't ever really been given a prophecy, she spoke to him like a mother to a child, but now he couldn't stop hearing her words.

Sari... You were my most innocent creation, your mate shall come and he shall be a knight of honor in this kingdom, when you meet him, you must leave him... When you return to this kingdom as your whole self, trust this knight and you will see many hundreds of years with him, making this kingdom as it should be. 

She said he would leave his mate, said he would leave the castle and then return as his true self, he couldn't see how it would happen, he hadn't been outside of the castle walls in thirty years. 

He was born the son of an Omega, his mother had been beautiful, he was tall for an Omega and unlike Sari his face was always smiling, even when Sari knew the man was in pain. The night his mother died Sari had heard R'aron, she'd let him see his mother and he begged Sari to live on and to mind his Fapor. And so he did, he knew his father could be ruthless, but he'd never been that way with Sari. The Omega was masterfully bred.

He was quiet, he was obedient and he was hardly ever seen. Sari's father was third in command, a knight of he old ways, he had two armies, each with a few hundred Alpha's and Beta's. He had dominion over the lower city, and the mudlands. Sari grew up with teachers, he learned many languages, he learned to cook, to mend clothing, he learn to gauge the mood of the Alpha's around him, he learned to stay away from the ladies of the royal families. 

He grew up watching Omega's come and go, he knew they didn't all leave and have happy endings, most of them were never seen again. 

Sari's days were always the same, back before he became a Hand, he was used as many things, a cook, a cleaning Hand, an attendant to the pups of visiting powers. But since meeting Nico that all changed. He woke up, bathed, ate and then spent the rest of the day whispering with Nico, Boo, Doram and Bara about the goddess and her plans.

Life was for once easy.

One day, about three weeks shy of the festival of R'aron, Sari found the castle had taken on the same energy it does every two years. Cleaning Hands were scouring the castle, cleaning, dusting, bringing in new furniture. Crescent and the kingdom in the middle of Adornia were allies, the kingdom called Dulmo-( Great/Mighty ) The wolves of Dulmo were wolves created by the Agona-( Angel/god or goddess ) of springtime. They were like Earthen werewolves, capable of taming their wolves. And they could shift into powerfully bred wolves, strong and stocky, built for running and for long battles.

They are a lot like Crescent wolves in the sense that the Alpha's are seen as the highest and the Omega are no more than trophies, the only real difference is that the Dulmo wolves adore their Omega, they love showing them off, publicly, and during the festival of R'aron they arrive in Crescent to join the festivities. Sari like some Crescent Omega hates the festival.

Nico of course wanted information on the festival.

"I don't have an Alpha, so I can't go to the Onigal-( Omega ) ball, but you won't like it... it use to be a ki'ka-( Holiday ) for Omega, but the king decided to change it some four centuries before any of us were born. Now the powers that be have a great ball where Omega are trotted out like game and led around on leashes, it's just as bad as the mating ceremonies." Sari explained, and Doram mumbled his agreement.

"It's not so bad, we get to be treated special if only for a night." Bara said.

"You think it's special to stand around naked, eating and drinking while a room full of Alpha's gawk and judge. Is your mind going sour?" Sari asked, while handing Nico his refilled glass of nilly-(blackberry) juice.

"I like it, I'zol doesn't require me to be leashed, and I'm not allowed to speak to anyone so I mostly drink and watch the Dulmo'ashki-( Great/Mighty people- A citizen of Dulmo ) Omega. The way their Alpha's talk about them, they are treasured."

"How long have I been here? Weeks? Months?" Nico suddenly asked, looking off thoughtfully.

"Not long, maybe a lot longer back in Ba'ath-(Earth). What are the cooks making for the evening meal?" Boo asked, and Sari was still thinking about the way the royals treated Omega. Whatever plans R'aron had he wanted her to move faster.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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