Where it All starts

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 Awaken by a sudden noise, Andrew, quickly got up. From the floor below, he could hear his mom yelling at his sister, Mecca. From the volume and the fact that he just woken, all of that sounded like gibberish.


He was soon to find out that the conversation was about him... 

Rome, Andrew's mother, wanted to send him away, far away from the island, to the kingdom's capital, so he could get a job and bring money for the family. 

Andrew always knew what the real purpose of this was...

This was a way for the Reckety family to get rid of him and the cost he brought.

But far from this being a new theme, this was also what Andrew always wanted. He could no longer support the hate and mistreatment his family always indored on him...

Altough this morning seemed like any other, Andrew wanted to make it different, make something new of his life, his boring and broken life. He packed everything he could that was in his room, wich really wasn't much and went out the window.

Well, you would ask, "Didn't his family notice him leaving in the middle of the day through the window?". The truth is, he did this everyday...

Every morning Andrew wakes up and leaves through the window, not because it's easier, or he wants to, but rather because he is not allowed on the house.

But this time? This time was different, because he left to never come back...

And so he thought. After some hours of running and resting on some broken trees, he finnaly reached the end, the end of the flying island his village was on. How would he get out? That is a good question indeed. Neither he, you, or me actually knows. 

The only thing he knows, is that, he is gonna have to do it, the illegal way.

Mecca tho, his sister, noticed his missing, in fact, she is the only one in the family, who doesn't hate Andrew. Quickly the word spread like fire in the village. 

For some time, the villagers where trying to look for him, but desmotivation hit like a disease, people where actually considering just letting it go, suddently, this town, of good people, was not so good...

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