Garden Island

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The Garden Island was just one of the seven Islands that composed the fragile kingdom, and rulling over them? King Damascus Milburn, father of Jake Milburn and Jacarta Milburn, the royal prince and princess. 

Everyone knows the Queen had long before disappeared after the birth of Jacarta. This fact was a blown to the royal family and since then, it was highly forbbiden to say her name or mention her or the incident. The court and kingdom knew this was affecting the King and his decisions. Despite always being poor and miserable, the kingdom felt a real blow in poverty the following years after the queen's disappearance and a notable amount of strange and useless laws.

But none of those laws and decisios affected so harshly the kingdom as the isolation on the Garden Island. This truth was hard to accept, unhappiness and starvation bring only one thing, and one thing only, disaster...

Everyday that went on was just a clock's bomb... And even tho everyone seemed to know this fact, no one really did anything about it. People were so trained to lay their heads down that a comming revolution, never seen in centuries, was just another event, happening across the kingdom, far away from them. However... this was not something happening across the kingdom, far away from them, but rather was already here, and it was to stay.

Searching the entrance on the highway bridge, Andrew and Agatha, far away, heard an enormous bang from the village, and a smoking fume rised trough the air. They were shocked, what had happened, were Agatha's parents okay? Without a word, she started running to the village, and quickly was followed by Andrew.

Running trough the plains and tight forests that made up the Garden island they reached the village and found themeselves paralized to find it destroyed. Houses were on fire, people were running in panic, whole stores reduced to ashes, farming fields burning like paper, people dead on the floor, others running while on fire, some with their members cut off, this was truly horrifying. Andrew, never in his life saw so much destruction and horror. He fainted...

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