The Light of a Friend

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Slowly opening his eyes, Andrew could see Agatha screaming, and with brute moves trying to wake up her mother. Despite her tries, Agatha's mother was completly static. Her father? No where to be found. In all of that destruction and smoke, Andrew could only hear crying and a heavy atmosphere set on...

Unexpectedly, amid all of that chaos, a voice made herself heard. A young man, whose name is yet unknown speaks to the suffering people. Andrew could not understand what he spoke, but in his guts, he knew... this was not a good thing. When the moment came, where his speechs seemed to end, all of a sudden, the crowd, horrified, destroyed, exhausted, desperate, raised hands. In between the choir they all spoke in harmony, the king's name was brought on. Andrew could only fear what those words meant, and what they intended to do.

Agatha, still shocked by her mother's death, was mentally isolated from the happening. Andrew grabbed her arm, but her body quickly dodged Andrew's hand. She was horrified, afraid, her face hard as stone, her expressions numb and her mind in another planet. She could not move, kneed on the floor, she was paralized. Andrew, altough weak, tried his best to carry Agatha away from the destruction and horror of that, once rich and happy village...

Hiding in a far away place from the village, Andrew could not imagine what Agatha was going trough. To lose someone they love, wich, Andrew never had, a person to love. What is worst? Never love? Or lose someone you love? Andrew wondered. Andrew was always disattached to feelings, his emotions only brought evil to his childhood, it was hard for him to confort Agatha.

Even after all this time, Agatha hasn't spoken a single word or made any gesture or move. She was just a statue, moveless, static, her eyes only looked forward and even so, she didn't seem to see or hear anything. Andrew felt horrible, how could he not help a friend like this? He felt useless and powerless...

But then, he remembered how happy he was, when Agatha gave him a hug, how conforting it was, to feel safe in the arms of another, who shows value, equitity and respect for you. Andrew with a smile on his face, huggeed Agatha, and she seemed to react a bit, then, he hugged her even tigher, and tigher, and then, a small light that Andrew could see. She started to cry, and smiling a bit. All of those emotions just bottled were immobilizing her. She felt one of the greatest feelings you can feel, relief, altough still sad, she could feel the support she had from Andrew, and her mind could now take on the sadness and horrifiying events. With struggle, she spoke very slowly: "Thank you...".

Andrew, still hugging Agatha, looked up, and smiled. Even in the midst of horror and war, of fear and pain, there was always a light, a hope, that transcends it all. And for Agatha and Andrew, this hope, this light, was their friendship.

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