A Dark Society

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This was it, this was the end...

Or not?

The guards quickly invaded the town, but it doesn't seem it was meant for Andrew, actually, this action doesn't seem to be anything related to him or stealing. Andrew hiding from his alley could only hear silence, everything just stopped, and then, a femine, yet, strong voice spoke in the national language. At a young age people are always taught two languages, the native one and the national one, mandatory to everyone on the kingdom. This women spoke of hard times, of difficulty, but more emphasized on unity, on strenght togheter. Altough not able to see, Andrew could feel the worry, the fear on the atmosphere of the crowd. This was clearly a speech to brainwash the people, to maintain the fragile kingdom togheter...

Andrew saw this as an oppurtonity to flee, to use the highway system without anyone knowing!

He sneakly went from alley to alley, from hiding behind barrels, out of the town center where all the people stood actively paying atention to the lady. Andrew got out of the shadows and made a run to the frontier. There, he only had to hand out the ticket to the guard, and a passage to freedom would be given, all of this, just, steps from walking...

But then, is where all good things end...

After handing out the ticket, two royal guards appeared and quickly grabbed Andrew. It seems that behind the ticket was the real onwer of the ticket, Delhi Madburt, the highest female figure in the royal court, most prestigious assitance women to the King himself. 

Andrew quickly tried to overcome the guards and escape, but strenght proved to be worthless...

In all of this mess, the suspicious lady, now known to be Delhi appeared in the back. Her face rigid and manly, surely she doesn't get along with men. Her voice made clear thourgh the open edge of the island: "You are the brat that stole my ticket?". The guards forced Andrew to agree, and one of them handed out the ticket to the lady. "Take him" she said with a grave tone.

This was it, Andrew was sure, this was the end. Finnaly, his family would get rid of him forever. He started crying in the back of the caravan he was imprison on. He knew his destination, Gate Island, and not to be a royal, or part of the court, but rather to the dungeon, far deep into the dark cell he was gonna be held for life...

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