Highway to the Heart

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It was time, it was time for a change. Andrew told Agatha all that happened while she was paralized emotinally, the destruction, the fires, the burning fields and people dead on the floor, but mostly important, the unknown young man that led the mob outside Garden Island.

Both of them had no idea what the mob intended, but for certain, it wasn't peaceful. 

Agatha and Andrew went back to village, broken, in ashes, and totally empty... They looked around as they saw the still ongoing small flames here and there, burning what's left of the village. As they went on, Agatha told Andrew all the stories and fun she had in every part of the village, how she runned with the horses on the fields as a child, how the water tasted funny in the town center fountain, how she played with the other kids in school. Her life seemed so much happier than Andrew's. Despite being happy for it, Andrew could only feel envy and jealousy at Agatha for her much better life.

Agatha, unlike Andrew was always attached to feelings and emotions, knowing very well how to express them and how to understand them, and the envy that Andrew radiated was no different. She apologized. Andrew was confused, but soon understood the reason, and felt bad. He always had a hard time hiding his emotions, part of the reason he didn't get along much with his family...

After this enlightening walk, they finnaly reached the highway bridge. They could clearly see the marks of footsteps and worn on the bridge, this was work of the mob. They had no other way, than to walk, maybe for days, to reach the next island. And so they did.

Most of the trip was silent but beautiful, it was for the first time, they were on a high bridge with nothing below but clouds, it was so magnificient and terrifying at the same time, the true beauty of nature in it's glory. In this slow trip they took, they had time to connect and bond even more as they talked about their lives, what they liked, what they feared, what they wanted, and with this conversations, Andrew could finnaly feel normal, feel that he belonged, that someone understood him.

And suddenly, Agatha stopped. She looked at the sunset, and asked, if Andrew had ever loved someone. Andrew stopped for a second, wondering in his mind. He responded: "Even tho my family always treated me horribly, I always knew, that I would never stop loving them, and that is so painful". Agatha thought for a second, trying to understand what he meant, and then he continued: "Loving someone unconditionaly, that you know, will never feel this way back...".

Agatha seemed a little shocked, she found it hard to believe this, that his family could really be like this. Andrew on the other hand, didn't seem very bothered about what he just said, he seemed so used to this way of living, it was his normal, after all. 

Agatha leaned over, reaching her hand for Andrew's. She seemed to feel sorry for him, and a sad look on her face was enough, no words where needed. 

She kissed him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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