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“Good morning. Finally awake!” Montserrat squealed when I met her at the mouth of the hallway the next morning. “I was gonna come call you for breakfast. You're such a sleepy head!”

I scoffed but didn't say anything. If only she knew that the things she'd told me last night had lost me hours of sleep, plus I'd been researching on some unscrupulous man I'd added to my list of targets.

She led the way to the dining area, and I followed. On the table was a large pan filled with a thick circle of Fritata cut into five slices. A delicious aroma roamed through the air. I looked at it in surprise.

“How did you prepare this?”

“You mean where I got the ingredients? Jeez, you have nothing in your house. I had to go out and buy some food commodities to last us a day. Do you even cook in the house? Why would you even have an oven and stove at all? In fact, why would you even have a ki...”

“What?” I demanded.

Montse stopped her rambling and looked at me in alarm. “I said why would you even...”

“You went out?”

Her smile dropped from her face. “Yes I did. Why? I just wanted to prepare us breakfast.”

“Why the fuck didn't you come and wake me up?” I snapped. “Montse, don't be foolish. There may be a man after your neck and we don't even know who he is. You don't go shopping for vegetables and eggs like everything is normal.”

She finally seemed to get my point, lowering her head. “I'm sorry.”

She sounded so put down by outburst, and I sighed.

“It's okay.” I said and sat in the master chair.

Montse was still sulking when she sat and she was still sulking even after sliding a slice of the fritatta onto her plate and taking a bite.

Serving myself a slice of the food, I cut a slice and chewed. I had to look up in surprise.

Damn this was good. Probably the best fritatta I've ever had.

Montse looked up too and our eyes met. She looked away shyly. “Do you like it?”

“It's very good.” I answered without hesitation.

“Yes!” She squealed childishly. I rolled my eyes.

I would have been more happy that she'd returned to her normal self if I had slept a wink. But no, my thoughts had been invaded like a host to a parasite.

I couldn't stop thinking about her; her strength, her vulnerability, her mostly optimistic disposition, the things she'd said last night and all the things that made her so uniquely her.

I was sinking into an abyss of attraction and I felt helpless against it.

As expected, Montse couldn't keep her mouth shut for the rest of the meal. She didn't mind that I barely spoke. Her chatter kept us company through our the meal.

Even though this felt foreign because I'd never eaten with anyone before, her talking gave me the chance to know her more.

She'd lived in the cabin in the woods all her life with her mother until the woman had been killed in an accident. She'd fulfilled her childhood dream of becoming a teacher.

She now taught at St. Patricio and was liked by everyone there. Due to her brilliance and interaction with the kids, she'd the award for best teacher in her very first year. A record holder.

It saddened her that now she couldn't go be with her 'kids' because of the threat on her life. She talked about them as if they were in kindergarten instead of High School.

“Do. Not. Go. Out.” I told her before l left the house.


I was on lying on my stomach on a church tower. My rifle was poised and ready. I watched him standing in front of the town folks, five of his goons distributing items among the people.

He was the Godfather, the town's mafia lord. The man who ordered my parents' murder.

He was smoking a cigarette, looking very pleased as the people showered praises on him. He was rarely seen in public, maybe just five times a year. When he finally showed himself, it was to give charity.

His charity was the main reason why the people loved and prayed for him, even though they knew he was a dangerous fellow.

My rifle was pointed right at his head. One pull of the trigger and he would be dead. I would he able to slip away unharmed his men. Foolish bastards, they thought they had this area monitored enough.

But no, I wasn't going to pull the trigger. Killing this man from afar with a bullet could never be the ultimate revenge for my parents' death.

The day I would kill him, it would be just him and me in a room where I could do all the things I wanted to him. I would make sure that he went through the kind of pain my parents had gone through when they were being killed.

But he was powerful. So damn powerful with hundreds of puppets. Not to mention the support he had from other mafia gangs. His men protected him with their very life.

Getting to him was dangerous and I hadn't been able to come up with any fruitful plan all these years.

Gritting my teeth, I finally lowered my rifle before putting it in the guitar bag I used as disguise.

One day, Godfather. Just you wait.


“You're finally back!” Montserrat ran up excitedly to me.

God, I didn't even know how she could be so boisterous all the time.

She suddenly hugged my left arm, and I stiffened at the unexpected touch. What was she doing?

“I was just watching a movie.” She said as she began leading me towards the living room.

She groaned when she looked at the screen and realized that the credits were rolling, indicating that the movie had ended.

“Crapballs! You've made me miss the last scene.” She whined, forcing me to sit with her on the table. “It was such a beautiful movie. This hot guy called Adam travelled to another city to find wealth to marry the girl of his dreams. Then he is mistakenly arrested and sentenced for murder in the new city. Five years later, when he returns to his previous city, he finds his girl engaged to another guy. Ah, you should see the things he did just to win her back!”

Then she began to go on about flowers and chocolates and love kidnappings. All the things I didn't give a shit about until I couldn't take it anymore.

“Will you just shut the fuck up?!” I bit out, wrenching my arm from her hug. Getting up, I glared hard at her.

“All you do is go on about this and that and bullshit! I doubt you can even let your vocals rest for a minute.”

She flinched, looking at me in shock. I left the house fuming After failing to once again kill the murderer of my parents, I wasn't in a bright mood.

The last thing I needed was her endless bubble.


Comment 😂 if you have a hyperactive person like Montse as a friend. Did Mikhail overreact? Vote, comment and recommended guys.

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