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Two years later

Two years later

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Rosalia pov

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Rosalia pov.

So it is true...

He's in fact a father now.

We broke up, We didn't reach out, we had obviously moved on. Yet only, I had thought- in some way we'd meet again. Our eyes would meet and our problems would vanish into thin air because the time away from each other was be unbearable. My heart hurts so bad in my chest and my tears won't even come out because I'm too fixated looking at this post. I wanted this. I wanted his arms around my pregnant belly and our smiles to touch our ears, because we were having a child together. Isabelle, I want to be you so bad and I don't even know you. I just want to know how it feel to have everything I want.

I know it's fucked up to miss someone you let go, but you know you weren't appreciating them at that moment and they didn't deserve it. Because had you not let them go, you can't mature and give them your attention-but you know it's a mask. I knew that a feeling like that would come back or I would've walked over him with my selfishness. I know it was selfish of me to miss my mother, she had put so many people through hell but she did the unexpected thing to me. I couldn't talk Oscar because he was already going through so much and to add on my mental shit.


My heart pounds out of my chest turning the key of my apartment. Last time I was in here it was the worst day in my life, I had thought I lost Oscar forever. I never asked anything from that bitch and she continues to haunt me in my dreams and life. I had got on my knees and prayed to him because I had thought I had lost him forever, a mother should never put a daughter through that. I can let go of her never raising me and her constant sly remarks when she's was around me, but the feeling she made me feel. Where I had thought I had lost my other half...

I open the door and my jaw drops. Mountains of gender neutral baby clothes and packages of baby hygienics sit across my couch, baby formulas and breast pumps on my table, a transformable white crib with a balloon and a card tied onto it. Who would do this? This must've cost over nineteen hundred dollars? I hesitate and scan my eyes over the room before I enter. I take a cautious step into the space and relax when I realize it is just me here. I'm pretty sure abuela didn't do this for me. I close the door behind me. I've been avoiding this place for months and the landlord threatened to throw my things out if I didn't come to get them now. I'm coming here to a blessing.

I walk over to the note and it reads.

Dear, Rosalía
By the time you read this I don't want you with Oscar I refuse to have my blood with trash like him. I know I lacked greatly as a mother and looking back at my jogs of memories Every chance when I was around you I took my life out on you and I am so sorry for that I was jealous of how you turned out to be and I hope you can find forgiveness in your own heart for me and if you could tell abuela I am sorry and I shouldn't have been hurting you two and not appreciating you because I got what I deserve I know I am going to hell with my biological mother that I always put on a pedestal. To my unborn grandchild I hope you are raised beautifully and you will be more smarter and wiser so you can tackle onto this world with ease. Do better than your grandma  stick your face in books like your mother instead of gangs like me. Be brave and have thick skin for your mother and yourself. Grow up to grow the next generation of our family and make me proud. I set up a college fund for you so when you figure out yourself you'll be able to apply yourself to a university and earn a degree. I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to meet you but promise you'll never get in a situation like me.

With love, mom.


She somehow made it up to me by being a great grandmother genuinely. I cried in that apartment because she knew she couldn't be saved and I had lost two people that would've completed me. For the longest time I wanted her to apologize. She never came to my graduations, my recitals, and I always had to watch through a glass window see mother and daughter have a great relationship. I looked around that room, read her letter multiple times and continued to cry. I kneel on the ground sobbing against the crib till Oscar came in. He ran around the apartment  angrily thinking it was some sick joke, till I handed him the paper.

He had a different reaction that I'd thought he'd would. He dropped the paper without a care, he forced me to go to her funeral and forgive her... and he does this? Tears threaten me and that day strikes my memory. The fear and how dead the world was when I thought Oscar was dead and how deep inside-I think....religious...spiritual way?... I thought she took our unborn son. And I just got over seeing her dead body. Oscar had to sew up my sanity together by himself. I don't want to do that to him again, I don't want him to look at me they way he was.

Though by reading that letter it feels justified by her last dying words practically, she made it up to us whether he liked it or not.
I shut my my phone off and a kiss is planted on my cheek from Ronelo.

"Buenos días." He hugs me and walks over to and sits at his seat.

He takes his concha and dips it into his coffee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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