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Two days later

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Two days later

Oscar and I have been texting nonstop. Check in calls have turned into late night calls. I have been working with Abuela at the daycare to fill my days. It's hard being not able to tell her, but I think if I somehow get Oscar around her she'll warm up to him. Rosalía that woman is gonna choke that man out if she sees him. Shit I'm lucky she let the kissing thing slide. I need them to though, I'm pregnant and I want her to be the first to know. Abuelo if you're here help me please!

There's a soft knock on my window. I get out of bed and open my blinds to see Oscar. I hate it like this. We're grown adults not teenagers. I smile and open the window for him to crawl in. Without another word, his lips land on mine. I hold onto his jacket as the kiss gets deeper.

"Okay you ready?" He breaks the kiss.

I nod and take out my arts and crafts box. We're making a memory box for the pregnancy. I practically begged Oscar to do this, but I know deep down he wanted to do this. We sit down on my carpet and Oscar take out one of my pregnancy test. I get to painting the wooden box white. Oscar writes down what the names we want in cursive.

"Wow you know cursive too now I believe you were a nerd." I joke.

He chuckles and his eyes wrinkles at the end.

"Yeah Okay miss homeschool." He teases back.

I bend over the box and grab yellow. We thought about a beach theme for the box. I wanted to put two things we hold dearly for he or she, one thing from our childhood, and the pregnancy test. For the mom and dad section. It's a nice quiet between us.

"Be my girl princessa."

My brows pull together and I choke on my spit for a second. Did I hear that right?

"What did you say?" I ask.

"Be my girl."

As shocked as I was, I nod my head excitedly. He grins and pulls me up into a sweet, passionate kiss.
We finish pretty quick and Oscar is on his phone as I set the box nearby the window. The paint smell is pretty strong at the moment. I turn around back to Oscar and he looks sick and pale.

" Hey are you okay?" I ask worriedly.

He look up and nods his head. He sniffs and gets up from the floor. Something is up with him and I don't know how to comfort him because he obviously doesn't want to talk to me about it. He towers over me but he dodges any type of eye contact with me. What's up with him? Why is he hiding something from me? Rosalía you're being overwhelming, calm your titties.

"Hey you can talk to me I'm here for you Oscar." I say and rest my hand on his arm.

His dull eyes meet mine and he fakes a grin.

"Something came up the gang needs me." Before I can say something he is already climbing out my window.

Will things be like this for the baby. We haven't seen each other for two days because of the gang, we couldn't enjoy being parents because of the gang. Will he put the gang first then family? I don't want this for the baby. I want Oscar to be leaving to be looking at baby clothes, not measuring bags of cocaine and shit like that. I bite my quivering lip. I'm putting everything I have on hold, so why can't Oscar?

I wait for the box to fully dry and I settle it in my closet. I rest on my bed till I fall asleep, after I put everything else away.
I wake up to birds chirping and sunshine in my face. I stretch to my awakening and my back is sore. I sigh and force myself out of bed. I really don't feel too hot right now. I can't tell if it's the pregnancy or because i fell asleep in a bad mood. I drag myself to the kitchen to get me a cup of water and Abuela sits on the couch watching the morning news. Abuela long grey hair is thrown in a pony tail and she's wearing her pink nightgown still. What's up with her? I walk over and sit on the couch across from her and keep a light eye on her while pretending I care about the news. Then I realized she's not even paying attention to the news. I look at the date and remember that today is the day Abuelo passed away.

"When were you gonna tell me?" She breaks.

My heart plummets to the ground and instantly my face falls.

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