Epi. 5

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I climb out of my window like a teenager. I wore leggings, nikes, and a red crop top. The nights air is hot and humid, to me it felt good. My whole body is tense and my jaw is locked. I'm a grown woman scared of getting caught with a guy. He not just any guy Rosalía, he lives a dangerous life! I don't know the real him, but what if he is something that what everyone thinks that he isn't. I open the gate and close it and I spot the 1963 Impala purring not so far.

This night could be the start of a wildfire, but my body tells me that being around Oscar is fine. I walk up to car and get in quick and quietly . The car gets dark and rumbling is the only sound. I hope nobody sees what happening. Abuela fell asleep on her chair in the living room, which luckily is in the front of the house. I put on my seatbelt and the car doesn't even move. I look over and Oscar is giving me a type of look that changes the air quickly.

I can't even make eye contact with him because his stare could burn right through me. He had that on him, half of me had fear towards him. I think he enjoys people being scared of him though, it gives him power in a way. His large hand cuffs my chin to him. To my surprise I find myself leaning towards him. When I'm with Oscar my mind goes blank and I want him. Rosalía you don't even know him. He presses his lips on mine and I can taste a bit of alcohol on his lips.

I don't even care, I don't expect anything perfect. I think that's why I like him so much. His hand trails down to my waist and the tempo of the body and kiss changes. He rubs small circles on my waist and he deepens the kiss. Everything feels perfect right now, like this is not what I wanted-but needed. Before I can even think about placing my arm around his neck, he leads me onto his lap. As I am my butt hits the wheel making a beep of the car.

"Shit." He lets out.

He drives and I tease him as he drives off. I stay kissing him on his neck, letting my hand trailing down to his chest...stomach... and bingo. The car stops and he reclines the seat.

Snut-...I mean SMUT WARNING ⚠️

I peel my clothes off as he does. I press a kiss on his chest. I stop suddenly and rise. Wait how drunk is he, like where is the consent? He notices my hesitation and stops everything.

"Hey if you're not down it's fine." That when I realize that I killed the mode and he's not drunk.

" I wasn't sure if I had your consent because you were drinking before."

He chuckles deeply and nods. He slowly slides in me, I gasp and he lowly groans. My eyes squeeze shut and rest my head on his shoulder. I've never had anyone this big in me before. He moves my hair out of my face and he he sets a slow pace for me to get used to his size. And pain turns to pleasure. Soft moans seep out of my lips and his lips attach to my neck. He grabs my hips and he goes faster and my legs start to shake uncontrollably. I bite my lip and hum, other than Oscars heavy breathing our skin made the rest of the noise.  His hand trails down to my clit and he rubs it, making my whole body shakes. This man knew exactly what to do. His lips suck on my chest and my eyes roll back from all the feelings happening down there.

"Yes right there."

My moans after moans quickens up the pace almost as cheering him on. Before I know it, He's slamming into me and he has his hand over my mouth from how loud I am. I hold onto him and he smacks my ass which make me shout pleasingly. I feel a presence of knots in me.

"I'm gonna cum." We say at the same time.

Few fast and messy strokes, we release together. He kisses my hairline, while I try to catch my breath.

I climb off of him and place my clothes back on. He pulls his shorts up and he grabs his shirt. Honestly I regret everything I just did, not that it was bad-he was amazing. I just-I don't even know this man. He could have std and I wouldn't know because like I said, I don't know him. I just wanted sex, but I gotta know what I even want from him. I sigh and quietly rest my head on the seat.

"We shouldn't have done that." I blurt.

He stops and looks at me with his brows pulled. I don't even know why I even said that out loud, this is gonna cause nothing but a fight.

"What do you mean?"

I shrug and try to brush the conversation off. I don't even wanna actually get in my feelings and say what my head is telling me. I look over at the window.

"Nah don't even try that por qué dices eso?" He says again.

I look at the window reflection. His eyes are burning with something. He looked ready to argue with me as if he knew what to say. I can't lie and say I'm not intimidated, Oscar has presence all about him. He can't be mad at me though, I don't know him! That's why I am regretful. If he isn't regretful, then am I one out a hundred girls that he bodied in this car?

"Oscar I don't even know you! I don't know how old you are or-or what's your favorite food or whats your hobbies that not everyone gets to see... but all I know of are your kisses!Don't you see what's wrong here?" I raise my voice.

God damn this man. How can he be fine with this; I swear men are nothing but slobs. Having sex with him makes you just as a slob Rosalía. He takes a sniff and clears his throat. I turn around and stare at him.

"I'm 20 years old. I don't have a favorite food because I like what I cook. I used to be in spelling bee's so I like to know vocabulary. Anything else?" He say without emotion.

If I wasn't so afraid of him, I would've been choked him out. He is such a smart ass. I let out a unbelievable laugh and cross my arms.

"Nope." I say and pop the p.

He starts to drive and even has the nerve to try to put his hand on my leg. Even when I push it off he chuckles and puts it back on.

"Will you quit it." I spit and push his hand. "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

"No." I spit.

"Since you still being stubborn I'll take that as a yes."

I roll my eyes, but I feel sad when we pull up back behind my home. He takes my face and plants a lingering kiss on my lips. I walk back home. I pee, clean myself and fall asleep as soon as my body hits the bed.

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