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I stretch to my awakening and look around my room. The real question is, how did I even end up here? Then it hits me like a train as with my hangover. what the fuck!!!! I got drunk with a Santos!

8hr Flashback

I chug as much as I can as everyone cheers me on. My throat burns like hell and my eyes are watering at this point. I just needed a night where I could let lose and not care, how worse can this night get. I've let down my guard to the point, I'm getting drunk with gang members. Have I lost my mind...completely, but I might as well have fun while I'm waiting for my gravestone when abuela hears this. I drink my last gulp and throw the bottle on the concrete. Everyone gets hyped and yells. I turn over and bop my head to the music and dangerously sway every curve of mine to the music. A bunch of girls come over a join me swaying their drinks around rapping to the dj player.
(God that cringes me out I sound like every other bitch likkke)

I laugh, I can't believe I could feel so young right now. I'm a twenty two year old and I wasted my college time-5 years studying for I job a can't get. If I would've known I would've partied this hard. I wipe a collection of sweat off of my forehead. I need to cool off I take a seat on a random chair and run my hands through my hair.

"Princessa Where did you learn to dance like that." Spooky asks sitting next to me.

"I danced on Ronelo." I blurt the truth in fear.

He laughs at my embarrassment. Damn I need to control my mouth around him, but I feel like I'm being questioned by a officer. He sucks in a inward sigh and takes a swig of his beer. I untie my shirt and take it off leaving me in my black one piece and jeans. I wish I hadn't worn boots, they're killing my feet right about now. A couple of songs go by that does the talking for us.

"You wanna dance."He says with calmness.

My breath hitches and my stomach flutters, two opposite feelings happening. Fear and flattery. Rosalía it's just a dance it's no big deal, nothing is going to happen.

"Sure why not."

If you say so Rosalía. He stands on his feet and leads me where it's dark and nobody is at. We're still in the party scene, but we had space from everybody. I guess the Santo wouldn't want to be seen dancing and relaxed for once. He holds me dangerously close to him and my heart starts pounding, so hard I can hear it. Luckily the drinks make my body seem relaxed, I lay my hand by his chest and my thumb gently rest in his Santos cross tattoo on his neck. The fact that his skin is so soft and surprising to me. He cups my hand and holds it firmly. We start to move on beat to be with everyone.

"Is your name actually Spooky?"I ask.

He chuckles at me and shakes his head.

"No it's Oscar Diaz but my name is spooky." He admits.

I like Oscar better. He spins us around two times and he goes back to guiding us.

"Why do you live in the hood if you're not like the other lowlifes here?" He shoots the question.

I sigh and look up at the star filled sky.

"I can't live with myself knowing that my abuela is stuck between a gang war place like here unlike my mother. So I'll stay here till we can leave here." I respond back.

We shuffle for a second, he twirls me around and brings me back to him.

"Well we can protect yo-" I cut him off.

"No!...I'm not getting any closer with a gang member." I say looking into his dull brown eyes.

He lets out a frustrated breath out and lets go of all contact with me.

"Then why are you here?" He he grits.

I get silent, I don't even belong here. I look down at my boots and shrug. I don't have a a reasonable clue to say back to him. His big hand cuff my cheeks to look at him. My eyes are shocked to find a sparkle in them for the first time. They are the most warmest brown I've ever seen in my life, his eyes flicker to my lips and without warning he places them onto mine. I know I had to be drunk because I didn't push him away, but instead I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. I can't lie and say I don't enjoy this.

"ROSALÍA BELLA ORTEGA!!!" My Abuela booming voice instantly shuts everything down.

I quickly pull away and I feel sick to my motherfucking tummy.  Abuela stands there pissed and ready to throw her chancla at me any second.

Have you ever done something so stupid, that you didn't even want to get out of bed; to face the talk you're about to receive. Well that's me for abuela. I can't believe that a Santos could actually be decent enough for me to feel confortable to kiss and that kiss ended up being everything. Though the car ride back home was hell, but thankfully I fell asleep while in the middle of abuela rant. I get out of bed and fully hesitate to walk out of my room. When I do abuela sits the drinking coffee and eating muffins. Oh she must not be mad at me anymore.

"Rosalía, sabes mejor que besar a ese sucio Santos. No puedo comprender lo que estaba pasando en tu cerebro ... ¡Te prohíbo que vuelvas a estar junto a ese hombre y lo digo en serio!" She orders.

("Rosalía you know better than to kiss that dirty Santos I can't comprehend what was going on in your brain...I ban you to ever be by that man again and I mean it!")

"Those people are nothing but filth." She adds on.

Nope she is mad at him.

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