Epi. 11

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"Huh?..." is all I can let out.

"Rosalía why did you go back to that gangster? You let that murder in my house...why did you get pregnant by him?" She asks in a low dispirited tone.

My chest caves in and I look down at my feet. How'd she even know? How did she even find out? I just wanted to make this a positive thing but the news was turned out. Just by hearing that I wanted to break down. She found out about Oscar and I, not only that but the baby. I nod my head and stand.

"Abuela I was gonna tell yo-"I'm quickly cut off.

"Rosalía do you have any idea what hell you have brought this child! That man is a murder not a father do you even understand!" She cuts me off with the truth.

I can't even mutter anything back. I just don't know what to say or do. I can feel Abuelas disappointment. I know I brought at child here,it's my fault. I forgot the plan b. I didn't get to know Oscar. I didn't care enough that he is not only apart of a gang but he is a leader. He said that himself that our child will be a Santo. I was irresponsible, but I know I'll protect my kid from tha-

"Rosalía pack your bags your staying with your mom." She sighs

My heart drops and I start crying. Everything is unraveling in my life too fast for me. Please God make what I'm going through worth it! I cannot live with my mom Abuela knows how bad of a control freak she is.

"Who will take care of you Abuela this is my home too you know how mom is!" I sob.

She takes a stand and looks me in my eye.

"You were too busy with that ass that I was practically taking care of myself and now your home is with your mother."

The room is quite. Part of me was waiting for Abuela to walk over and hold me. I wanted her to stroke my hair and tell me that we could work it out together. Though she stood the with a hard disapproval on her face. And all I could say was.

"I'm sorry.."

I know that have people but I feel lonely already. Abuela is the person that can help me get through this, but she won't mend herself to do it and I don't blame her. I walk out of the living room and get to packing my clothes and things I need. I just cried because everything Abuela said was true. Though I can't live with mom, Abuela know how unstable that woman is. I call Daniella and she picks up.


"Dani please help me I got kicked out and I need a place to stay for awhile." I sob into the phone.

I hear a gasp from the line and a quick mumbling.

"Yeah Jesus doesn't mind so go ahead and get settled the key is under the flower pot."
I lay on Daniella's guest bed. I stare at the wall letting hot tears run down. How am I going to get through this pregnancy and this.  I always wanted Abuela to be there for me when I got pregnant. This time it didn't work out in my favor. I want to be as against Oscar as Abuela is but I saw a side of him that she hasn't seen. and i know I shouldn't let that justify him, because he is far from perfect. Though he treat me good. I should tell him my situation, but I don't want him to know how bad Abuela dislikes him.

My phone starts to ring on the nightstand. My eye cuts to the phone and it's Oscar, of course .  I take a deep breath and answer the call.

"Hello?" I start.

"Hey I heard of you getting kicked out why didn't you stay with me?"

Because I might get shot up while sleeping at your home.

"Daniella was a closer drive." I bullshit to avoid a bad argument.

I hear a soft sigh out the line.

"Well come over I'm just chilling on my porch with the homies." He says in a mellowed tone.

"Okay I'm on my way."

Loco-Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now