
469 9 0

Location: Unknown

He was trapped. His heart was racing and his skin was clammy. This is where he was going to die. The realisation hit him as he turned to face his pursuer. The man was tall and wore a long leather coat. One that didn't suit the L.A. climate. The man in the coat actually looked like a psychopath. His skin was impossibly pale, a stark contrast to his black hair and dark eyes. The trapped man had seen that look in others but it was very different now that he was the hunted.

'Murdoc,' the man recalled from the file that had once crossed his desk. The hitman was akin to the boogeyman in intelligence circles. The realisation must have played on his face for Murdoc smiled sadistically. A sick pride stemming from being recognised. The man knew that Murdoc was almost done playing, it had been cat and mouse for weeks. It would not be quick but the man had always been quicker. A strong vein of selfish preservation leeched off the man's very nature. And thus he blurted the only seven syllables that had any hope of saving the man's life... or at least give him the chance to evade the hunter.

"I can get you MacGyver,"

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