Part XX

152 6 0

Location: Unknown 2017

When Lara came to she felt sick. Her head pounded and her vision tilted, blind spot coming and going. She was back in the room where she'd begun. The door had been fixed... at least she assumed it was the same room. She was hungry and the smell of bile threatened to cause her to throw up. Her throat was raw and evidence of her vomiting was visible. That part had been real.

She came to the thought with a jarring realisation. Real. She didn't know what day it was and if she was entirely honest she didn't know if this was real. All she was basing it off was the fact that the room looked familiar. Whatever gas Murdoc had used had to have been a hallucinogen of a kind. She needed to get out of here. Pushing herself off the floor Lara crawled over to the door. The black spots on her vision reappeared and by the time she'd gotten to the door she had no vision at all. She couldn't think straight. Nausea gripped her suddenly and a metallic film seemed to cover the back of her neck. Lara barely had enough time to avoid vomiting on herself as bile burned its way up her oesophagus and the roof of her mouth. She was losing precious fluids.

Leaning against the door Lara closed her eyes from exhaustion and the need to shut off her senses, trying to reduce the smell of hydrochloric acid that wasn't helping as it mingled with half processed, days old food. She ended up falling asleep praying Jack or Mac would find her so she could apologise for being a fool. Because if she was honest she wasn't sure she could make it out of this one on her own.

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