Chapter V - Rechange

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[Two Weeks Later - August 1st]

Now that Takemichi was released from the hospital, (Y/n) was now given the opportunity to ask the boy about the photograph she had found in the envelope. 

The second that she enters in her friend's room, (Y/n) slams down the photograph on the short table, right next to the completed puzzle he had just finished.

"Start explaining." (Y/n) demands with narrowed eyes. She points at the grown woman she depicts to be her. "This is me in the future, right?" 

Takemichi sits across from her and sheepishly scratches the tip of his cheek. " you found it after all..." He struggles to make eye contact with her. "I was kind of hoping that you wouldn't after I told you about the letters..."

"I was still planning to look at the letters either way, so it was bound to happen." (Y/n) scowls. "Now start explaining."

Takemichi exhales. "Okay, okay..." He takes the time to explain the picture. "You're right. It is you in the future." He points at the small boy future (Y/n) was holding in the photograph. "And this is your son. Masaru (L/n)."

"(L/n)?" (Y/n) blinks. "He took my last name?"

"I don't know your husband, but you've mentioned that he was fond of your last name. Hence the reason why he and your son inherited your family name." Takemichi tells her. 

(Y/n) stares down at the picture, her eyes invested on the appearance of her supposed son. "Masaru, huh...?" Her eyes narrow. "He...inherited most of my facial appearance...and skin tone..."

Takemichi hesitates. "Your future self wanted me to put in the letter. It was her personal request. I assumed it was because she thought you'd need proof to be convinced, but when I asked her, she told me that you would understand at first glance."

Not quite, (Y/n) replies internally. 

But to some extent, she did. Seeing such an innocent and happy boy on a mere photograph brought a strange, random warm feeling in her chest. Which doesn't happen so often.

She didn't even care about who the father was. Because she was more happy at the fact that she had a child.

Though then again, she was a bit fearful of how her son turned out to be.

"Is quiet as I am? And blunt?" (Y/n) asks.

Takemichi cracks a small smile, reading off her face. "He's a very nice kid. He can be quiet sometimes, but he's just calm. Though he is a bit blunt." 

(Y/n) deadpans. "Yeah, I'd figured..."

"But..." Takemichi adds. "Your future self told me that she, personally, believes that he inherited most of your husband's personality."

(Y/n) wasn't really convinced. "My husband must be quite the man, then..." She lowers her head slightly, her eyes still on the photograph.

Takemichi then asks her flat out. "You're not even gonna ask who your husband is?"

"If I did, the future would change, wouldn't it?" (Y/n) concludes as she crosses her arms over the short table. "Can't have that, now can we?" 

Takemichi chuckles sheepishly. "Yeah, that's true..." He was still skeptical though. "But, I kind of expected you to...I don't know, go on a full interrogation about your future self..."

"Just who the hell do you think I am?" (Y/n) quirks up an eyebrow. "I'm not harsh or anything."

"To some extent, yes, that is true..." Takemichi admits.

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