Chapter XII - Open Fire

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A/n - I was rewatching the episode where Baji dies, and my mom literally saw me, and saw the part where he started crying and said, "Oh no, why he's crying? He doesn't need to cry." I literally responded with a, "He's dying. Because he tried to protect his friends." She literally had a surprised pikachu meme face and said, "Can you imagine?"--omg, I can't with her.

Anyway, I basically almost finished with my first semester of college, and will start my month-long break very soon! So hopefully I can finish this book by the end of January, maybe the beginning, or sooner! Who knows? 

Hope you enjoy this chapter! Though it might be a little fast-paced, I do hope you bare with it, b/c I really do wanna start write the fight scenes that have been on my mind recently--

That being said, don't forget to support the book with votes and comments, and such! And don't forget to follow my tik tok for weekly anime live streams (mostly Tokyo Revengers)

Until then!


(Y/n) dresses in her uniform the following morning, tired as ever. "Being so smart comes with a price..." She lets out a low yawn as she proceeds to walk down the narrow road. 

'Chifuyu really drilled in a lot of stuff in my head...' (Y/n) recalls. 'Though half of the stuff was just a rant about how good Baji was.' She groans and scratches the top of her head. 'He's too honest and loyal for a vice captain...a weirdo, at best.'

'Though he's possibly the only one among Toman with an actual brain cell.' (Y/n) sighs heavily. 'So I'll make use of him and our partnership.'

(Y/n) lowers her head. 'But regardless, I can't just make it obvious. According to Chifuyu, Baji's extremely stubborn. So to just tell flat out that I wanna help him would just make him distant himself from me.' She holds her chin. 'Then how exactly can I approach him casually, without making myself look desperate?'

"Hey, newbie!" She halts her movements, following her gaze at the direction the voice came from. A yard away from her, leaning against the brick wall that's across is Valhalla's No. 3, Kazutora. 

(Y/n)'s eyes widens. 'Just my luck...' She wasn't intimidated by Kazutora, she just found it best to keep a quiet interaction. The last she wanted to do was say the wrong thing to him.

Kazutora removes himself from the wall and goes up to (Y/n). "Heard you did a number on Hanma's squad." He cocks his head to the side. "And yet you made the decision to join us--Why is that?"

(Y/n) hesitates. "Because..." She comes up with a lie on the spot. "--I find it pretty gusty that a bunch of guys even tried to harass me near my house, despite how strong I am."

"Really?" Kazutora's smile stretches outwards.

"Yeah." (Y/n) confirms. "And with the knowledge that I'm more stronger than a majority of the members makes me confident that I make a contribution to the fight with Toman." It's like she already prepared for this.

Kazutora closes in on the distance, meeting (Y/n) at an eye to eye level so that he attempt to find any hint of deception on her face. But it only made the girl a bit nervous, due to the last of space, to which he's aware of.

"I see." Kazutora takes a step back, tucking his hands in the pockets of his trousers. "Then, from this point on, we're friends now." (Y/n) blinks, mouth opened. "Meaning that you support me, along with my own friends, okay?" He closes his eyes innocently. "Betray me, and you'll get another thing coming to you."

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