Chapter 35

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The next day.

Chorong walked in the park. She saw the twins playing around together. She smiled to see them.

"If only I could have twins like them."

She suddenly remembered her son. She just remembered that she hadn't contacted Yeri since she arrived on Jeju Island. She tried to call Yeri.


"Hello, Yeri. How are you?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"I'm fine, too."

"That's good. How's your honeymoon? Everything's fine?"

Chorong stayed silent. She couldn't tell Yeri about what happened between her and Sehun.

"Everything is fine. I'm really happy to have my honeymoon here."

"That's good. I'm glad to hear that. I can't wait to hear the good news from you two. Sejun must be happy to hear the good news later."

Chorong stayed silent. She understood what Yeri meant. But she is still not ready for it. After all, now their relationship is in trouble. So, that's very impossible to happen.

"Yeri, how is Sejun? Is he fine?"

"Don't worry. He's fine here."

"Can I make a video call with him?"

"Sure. Hold on."

Yeri went towards Sejun then she told Sejun that his mother wants to talk to him.

"Mom wants to talk to me?"

Chorong heard her son's voice. She smiled. She really misses her son's voice. Then, Yeri switched to a video call and placed her phone in front of Sejun. Chorong saw her son was smiling.



"Did you miss me?"

Sejun nodded.

"I really miss you, mom."

"I miss you too, baby."

"When are you going back?"

"I'll be back in a few days."

"Mom, where's dad?"

Chorong stayed silent. She couldn't tell her son about their problems.

"Your dad went to buy ice cream."

"Ice cream?"

Chorong nodded.

"You like ice cream too, right?"

Sejun nodded.

"Mom, I want ice cream too."

"When I got home, I bought a lot of ice cream for you, okay?"

"Yeay! Aunty Yeri, my mom said she wanted to buy ice cream for me later."

"Really? I want ice cream too, can I?"

"Sure. You can."

Chorong chuckled to see her son. She smiled happily.

"Mom, I can't stand it. I have to go to the toilet right now. Bye."

Then, Sejun ran to the toilet.

"Young Lady, we'll call you back. My phone battery is about to run out."

"Oh, okay. See you later."

Yeri smiled then she waved towards Chorong. Chorong waved back then they hung up. She shook her head and chuckled when she remembered her son's cute reaction earlier. She kept her phone in her pocket. Then she took a deep breath. She saw the view of Jeju Island. She felt calm looking at the view.


At night.

Chorong had dinner with Taehyung at the restaurant. While they were eating, Taehyung's phone suddenly rang. Taehyung saw the caller's name on his phone screen.

"Chorong, I got an important call. I'm out for a moment." said Taehyung.

Chorong nodded. Then, Taehyung walked out and answered the call. Chorong was about to continue eating when her phone suddenly rang to indicate an incoming notification. She slides her phone screen and saw there was a message from Jaemin. She opened the message and read it.

"Sehun is sick. He hasn't eaten for 2 days. I think you'd better come back here now. He needs you."

"He thinks I will believe it? I'm not going back."

Chorong placed her phone on the table and took a sip of coffee before continuing to eat. Then, Taehyung sat in front of her.

"Chorong, are you okay? Something is wrong?" Taehyung asked.

"Nothing." said Chorong.

"Are you sure?" Taehyung asked.

"Taehyung-ah, finish your meal quickly. I want to go back to the hotel." said Chorong.

"Okay okay."


The next day.

Sehun woke up when he saw Chorong was not beside him. It's been two days since his wife not came back. He really misses his wife. He did not want to stay silent. He is determined to find his wife even though his body is still weak.

He got off bed then he reached for the phone and the key on the bedside table. He put on his coat then he went out. He tried to find Chorong everywhere but he could not find her. He tried to call Chorong but Chorong did not answer his call.

"Chorong, where are you? I've called you so many times but you didn't answer my call."

Suddenly, rain fell on the ground. He immediately ran to find shelter then he took shelter in front of a hotel. He hugged himself tightly. His body shivered from the cold. His legs felt weak and he felt dizzy. Suddenly he fainted and fall on the floor.

Chorong has just returned from dinner with Taehyung. She was about to walk into the hotel when she suddenly saw a man lying on the floor. She immediately ran towards the man and held the man's shoulder.

"Sir, are you okay?" Chorong asked then she turned the man's back.

She was surprised to see the man's face. Apparently the man was her husband.

"Sehun? What has happened to you? How come you are here?" Chorong asked worriedly.

She held Sehun's face and looked at Sehun's pale face. She placed the back of her hand on Sehun's forehead.

"He has a fever. I have to get him inside right away."

Then, she went to ask for help and saw two men. The two men came towards Chorong then they took Sehun inside. Chorong told them to get into the elevator. Then, she told them to follow her to her room. As they arrived in front of the room, she immediately opened the door and they took Sehun inside.

"Lay him down here." said Chorong while pointing to the couch.

Then, they laid Sehun on the couch. Chorong thanked them for helping her. Then, they went out. 

Chorong immediately took a small towel and a bowl of water and placed them on the table. She saw Sehun's shirt was dirty then she unbuttoned her husband's shirt. She took off Sehun's shirt then she took the blanket. She covered Sehun's body with a blanket. She wet the small towel then she placed it on Sehun's forehead. She stared at Sehun's pale face. She feels guilty towards her husband.

"I'm sorry, Sehun. It's all my fault."

Chorong shed tears. She held Sehun's hand then she kissed it. All night, she looked after her husband until she fell asleep next to him. She placed her head next to Sehun's shoulder as she held her husband's hand.
To be continued...

Will Chorong return to Sehun?

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