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Takes place same day as mirror.
More Evil Counterparts.
Specifically a certain knight.

Hels had been hiding in Hermitcraft for about 2 weeks. More specifically he had been hiding out in the nether. He was almost to his breaking point wondering everyday why he stayed.
It was simple here and it was better than there. There meant that horrible server Xanthus, Skylar, and he shared. It was completely trashed, nothing living was left. It had become subject to their common rages and unfortunately for some of those rages Skylar had obtained magic.

But he was also banned from all public servers and 75 percent of the hub.
That left him here, hiding out in a cave in the nether forcing himself not to sleep.

The familiar sound of explosions from hermits trying to find netherite got a little too close for his liking. At once he grabbed his pickaxe and dug his way through the wall. He was so blinde sided he ran himself right into the hermit he was running from.

It happened to be a very confused Impulse who screamed upon impact. "OHMYGOUYID!"

Then impulse straightened himself out and that's when complications arose. "What... who are you?"

Hels panicked. "Uh no one,"

But before he could leave, Impulse grabbed his wrist. "I don't believe that for a second, and you look like Wels."

"Thats none of your business,"

"Well we've had too many evil siblings. Besides, I've already alerted our admins," Impulse smirks. Hels's own smirk drops.

"I'm not his sibling, I'm a glitch that never should have happened," Hels lies smoothly. Yes he was his brother but Impulse doesn't need to know that. Besides, a glitch sounded that more threatening.

Impulse furrows his brow and tightens his grip on Hels's wrist. "Either way we've had too many counterparts,"

Hels tries to yank away but impulse is too strong (not surprisingly) and stays put.
"Fine, but how long,"

"Uh, I actually am not sure," Impulse admits, laughing a little.

"Right now in fact," Another voice says as they land. It's X but Bella is there too

"Today couldn't get weirder," X chuckles assessing the situation.

Bella smiles. "Right? False's sister then this?"

"It's like looking at photocopies today," X agrees.

At this even Impulse is confused. "Uh what?"

"False has an evil sister," Bella states. That seems to clear the air because Impulse nods as he hands over Hels to Xisuma.

Impulse laughs. "That's... really not surprising,"

"I know who's next?" X jokes.

"Dear Aurora I hope not," Bella whispers while handcuffing Hels.

"It's harder and harder to find anything crazy anymore," Xisuma adds.

Bella shrugs. "Comes with the job,"


"So you're telling me Helsknight got on the server. Literally ran right into Impulse who held onto him until you guys got there and arrested him. On top of that told you guys he's a glitch, which by the way is not true, we're twins." Wels clairfies. X nods and Wels leans back scoffing.


"So what should we do?"

Xisuma hands him a file. "Well he's also arrested for illegal server entry. As well as many other previous felonies,"

"My brother is a felon?" Wels asks incredulously.


"So... Now what? He is arrested but what comes next," Wels asks as he looks at all of Hels's charges.

"Now we wait for his court hearing." Bella says. "Until then we have to keep him in jail. He's too dangerous to think he wouldn't run away and not show for his hearing. Besides if he's left free who knows what he would do,"

"Well could you at least treat him well?"

"Of course, he's got a bed and food three times a day,"

"Alright well do you know when the hearing will be? And who's the prosecutor," Wels asks, setting down the files.

"Well about that... you are," Bella says. (I've said this before I know next to nothing about law, other than laws to obey,)

Wels freaked out. "What?! How?"

"Erm due to it not being a charge like Zander's we can't be the prosecutor so court ruled you are," X explains.

"Uh... alright,"


Long story short Hels ended up with 15 years prison time but it would've been worse if the prosecutor wasn't Wels.

"So anyone else with a counterpart," Bella asks at the next server meeting.

Unfortunately for everyone Scar, Bdubs, Grian, and Mumbo all raise their hands.


Yes I've added yellow tie Mumbo and Blue Sweater Grian. NPC and Robot Grian are his creations, not his counterpart.

I guess there's really no defined plot, just a Hels introduction. This one

shot will not be canon in most other one shots.

Though the list underneath is cannon in all.

So we have
Boogiedubs (Alternate personality that manifested into its own being)
Badtimes (Older brother)
Yellow tie mumbo (Evil cousin)
Sweater Grian (Alternate universe may not be evil just stuck)

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