10|Loki's Pink Hair

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Loki had scooped you up and gently placed you down on your bed. He smiled and looked at you peacefully sleeping. He headed back to his room, and pulled out a book from his shelf. Perhaps he would visit the library floor Stark had installed. Reading was a hobby that he had picked up back in Asgard.

Some weeks later, Loki and you had some nice moments together, but you still had some rivarly. Since it had been a while since you had promised you would prank Loki back, you decided that today was the day. One thing that was very noticable about him was that he stuck to darker shades of colors. Dark green, black, and gold. At least for his costume. But he never wore super bright or neon clothes.

So, it would be pretty funny to put pink dye in one of his hair products. It would only last a bit, but you couldn't wait to see the look on Loki's face. That's why Tony already knew and would have cameras recording his reaction. This morning, you had slipped into his bathroom and squirted it into his shampoo. Surely Loki would be up soon and discover it.

Tony had offered you some pancakes for breakfast, and you quickly ate them. As soon as he gave you code red that Loki was up, you quickly sprinted out the door at the bottom of the Avengers tower. You weren't sure what his exact reaction would be, but you did know that he would be really angry. And that he would make you "pay" and show "no mercy" as he says.

As you reached the end of the street, you heard a yell from the tower, and saw a flash of green magic. Uh oh. You picked up your speed, sprinting down the pavement as fast as you could. Where were you going? Well, you had absoloutely no clue, but what you did know is that your goal was to get as far away from Loki as possible.

You reached an alleyway, out of breath. You slouched down against the brick wall, and you felt something tug you up harshly and slam you back against the wall.

"Ouch!" You exclaimed.

That's when it hit you. Loki had found you. "That puts an end to our little game of cat and mouse."

That's when you started to loose it. You looked up at Loki's bright pink hair and started laughing uncontrollably. Loki looked at you angrily and placed a hand over your mouth.

"Loki-" You said, your voice fully muffeled.

"Come with me." He grabbed onto your arm, and teleported you somewhere in the Avengers Tower.

You looked up and down and spotted Loki's glass cage. "Nonono." You said.

"This is revenge." Your face lit up in terror. Loki just laughed.

Rope was on the floor. "Loki we can talk about this."

He rolled his eyes. "On your knees."


"On your knees. Kneel for your king." You sighed and kneeled looking up at Loki.

"What now?"

"Do you really want to be free of your charges?" he questioned.

There was a nod from you. "Please Loki, I'm so sorry." "Well-" "Not sorry." You coughed.

Loki lifted you up and threw you in there, adjusting the rope around your wrists to keep you from banging on the glass. He locked the entrance.

"Don't worry, it will only be until this ridiculous hair dye washes out. Plus, you get the everlasting company of me."

This was going to be a living nightmare. Here comes the regret of pranking Loki.

"Is this hell?"

"I'd say heaven more than hell. If you start a prank war, don't expect to be the only one participating."

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