The one where she accepts

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Your relationships will last a life time

Lenas POV

"You do know she was basically asking you out right?" Sam asks with a bored tone.

"What are you talking about?" We we're just sitting in silence eating breakfast.

"Kara. She was asking you out when she invited you to games night."

"How did you even- I never even told you about that."

"I'm seeing her sister remember?" I find it silly how they still refuse to call her, her girlfriend, "I myself attended game night. Kara was quite disappointed about you not being there. And she is pretty cute."

"Wait so you've met Kara?" My heart stops for a moment.

Sam nods in confirmation, "Gave me a hug almost immediately too."

"Oh my god." I cover my face, "Whenever you meet anyone I am even close to liking you expose me almost immediately."

"That was one time!"

"Except it wasn't! There was Jack, Andrea, and Veronica."

"That's all of your crushes and relationships." Sam deadpans.


"Whatever. You can calm down though. I don't even think she knows I'm your only friend."

"Thank god." I sigh.

"But I still want to know why you didn't attend."

"No one does anything for me without wanting something except for you."

"Karas not just anyone Lena. I spent two hours just being in the same room as her and I'm not even sure if she's human."

"And I'm not just anyone ether. I'm a Luthor. People only associate with us if they want a favor."

That seemed to quite Sam up after that.


Karas POV

"So you're going to keep inviting Lena to game night until she accepts?" Alex says trying to contain her laughter.

"She needs more friends. Besides she would fit in great!"

"Just making sure we're in the same page." She shrugs, "You do realize how long that would take right?"

"You never know Alex."

"Except I do. She clearly stated she doesn't want any new friends. For god reason too."

"And what reason is that?"

"She's a Luthor." I glare, about to protest, "I don't mean that in the way you think ether. Most people associates with only talk to her in they need a favor. So you, being a reporter, could show a few red flags."

"Is it so hard to believe I just want to be her friend!" I drop my head.

"For someone with her background, it is. Not even to mention how she could've been raised."

"She just seems so lonely..." I mumble, "When you walk into her office there is nothing. There are no awards no pictures just white. There's been nothing or no one impactful enough to get into that office."

"And?" Alex tilts her head slightly.

"I just want to help be the reason she puts a picture in her desk. If it's one of the group or just one of herself. To just have a personal touch."

"That's not your place to decide Kara."

"I know. But that doesn't mean I can't try."


Lenas POV

It's been... weird. It seems every time I see Kara she invites me to the game night. I've rejected her every time. It's silly and childish.

"Your invitation to game night still stands." She smiles as we shake hands. Another successful interview on her part.

"Again, I'm not interested in making friends. I hope you understand."

"Yeah..." She looks like a kicked puppy.

"I do hope we can be good work friends?"

"Of course. I'll take what ever I can get." She suddenly smiles again, "And you look like you need more sun. Maybe try walking to a few places. It'll really improve your vitamin D."

With that she simply just walked away. The implication of me being pale hanging in the air.

Today is just another one of her attempts.

I had taken her advice on walking a few places so I'm now in a conversation with her as I walk to Noonan's for some afternoon coffee.

"Tomorrow is game night if you wanna come." She smiles as she walks next to me on the street, "I think we're playing monopoly. Well most of us. Brainy is too smart to play. He runs through chess strategies online though, he's an excellent player."

Lena would be lying if she wasn't more a little interested in meeting this Brainy now, "Kara as I've said,-"

"You aren't interested in making friends?" She cuts off, "I know. But I'm gonna keep asking until you come to at least one."

"Just one?"

"Just one."

I stare at her a moment, "What time?"

"Wait, really?"

"Hurry before I change my mind."

"Right! It starts at eight and it goes to 10."

"Fantastic. Tell this Brainy to bring an actual board though."

"Why's that?" She tilts her head (not cutely) to the side.

"I run a company, I know how business works. I would crush you all instantly. So I'll play chess with brainy once I get kicked out of the game." I shrug.

"Wait, you play chess?"

"Very well actually. Won a few trophies for it when I was younger." I shrug like it was nothing.

"Really? How old?"

"Seven, eight, nine, and ten I believe. They wouldn't let me compete after that. Said I was too advanced for my age group."

"Oh my god. Of course you're a chess prodigy."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I ask trying to sound unbothered as possible.

"Definitely a good thing." Kara nods while smiling, "Why didn't they just bump you up a few age groups?"

"I don't think a bunch of twenty to twenty five year olds would be too happy about playing against a eleven year old."

Kara burst out laughing at the thought. Her eyes did the little thing where they crinkle in the corner from when she's really laughing. Lenas not sure when she noticed it but now she finds herself looking for it self consciously. It just makes her feel like someone aside from Sam actually likes her. Like she's not just a Luthor.

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