Healing Your Scars (7)

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Lucy woke up in agony, her shoulder screaming and her body feeling stiff and stretched. She tried to sit up- and immediately regretted it. The loose sheet draped over her brushed her arm and it was all she had to keep from screaming.

Huge red blisters trailed up her arm and left side and her clothes were charred and flaked off at the slightest movement. Only her sleeveless top and skirt were marginally intact the scorched fabric causing her pain at the lightest touch, even as it preserved her modesty. The click as the door latch opened sent shivers of apprehension down her spine.

Unable to move and half naked, she tugged the light blanket over her shoulders and stared at the door fiercely, her pulse thundering in her ears. It creaked open and a small figure stepped into the room, it was the little fox girl, her scruffy black cloak pulled over her head. She was holding a few wild daisies in her arms.

Her eyes opened wide and she ran over to the bed, dropping the flowers. Lucy leaned back suddenly startled; the girl's eyes had changed icy blue once more. Out of nowhere drowsiness descended on her and she felt her eyelids droop. Exhaustedly, Lucy allowed the sleep to come, the painful throbbing of her numerous burns faded as she lapsed into unconsciousness.

Waiting by her side, the fox girl's snow white ears pricked up at a near silent sound. The uneven rasp of ragged breathing and the thump of heavy footsteps, caught her attention, and the small stony eyed girl gazed at the doorway.

Silence. After a moment, she turned away from the door and turned her attention back to Lucy. The invisible tattoos on the back of her hands began to glow and she stood on her tip-toes to glide her hands lightly over the burns on Lucy's arm. Small magical circles bloomed into existence, hovering above her arm, and pouring a glowing energy over her. Slowly the burn blisters began to fade...

Wendy was checking up on Lucy. After gathering a few bottles of salve and a few bandages she wrapped them up in a bundle and dashed down the street. They clinked gently in her arms.The door to Lucy's cottage was open slightly, and Wendy, worried, hurried towards it, the new sandals she had put on slapping the cobblestones with a rhythmic beat. Only when she got closer did she realize that the door was not open, but hanging ajar on broken hinges.

Suddenly, a burst of realization bloomed in her chest and she dashed into the house.The door to Lucy's room was open and she dashed through, nearly running into Natsu- who was holding the fox girl by the neck, and shoving her up against the wall, her feet dangling midair.

"Natsu-san!" Wendy cried, "What are you doing?! Stop!"

Natsu glared at the fox girl, and spoke without ever taking his eyes off the girl.

"She was using magic on Lucy!" Wendy took a sharp intake of breath and stared at the girl; How could someone so young be a wizard?

"She was using your magic, Wendy!"

"What?" All of Wendy's surprise vanished in a flash as confusion writhed in her head. "A dragonslayer?"

"No." Natsu said. "A monster."

The little girl stared at Natsu calmly and slowly removed one of her hands from where they were weakly tugging at his hand, clasped around her own throat.The tattoos started to glow, and very gently she placed it on his arm, she blinked calmly, and when her eyes opened again she stared down at Natsu with ice-colored eyes.

Wendy did not see the change from her position off to the side, it was only when Natsu's grip went slack and the fox girl slipped through and landed neatly on the ground, turning towards the door were Wendy stood. After a moment she turned and trotted towards Lucy's bedroom, leaving Wendy, staring in shock, as Natsu collapsed onto the ground.

  Aoi here! As I was writing this story, I realized... I have no name for the Little Fox Girl. Any suggestions?

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