My Magic, Your Magic (4)

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        Lucy softly stroked the little girl's head, where it lay against her arm and leaned back against the back of her seat. Wendy had gone home with Carla and Erza had moved to the bar and started on her third slice of cake. The rest of the guild buzzed softly with the wizard's friendly conversations. She was just about to fall asleep herself when the table jolted; Natsu and Happy had dropped a platter of raw fish right in front of her. Very fresh fish, they flopped on the table and peered around with their beady little fish eyes.

        "Hey Lucy!' Natsu said with his usual animalistic cheer, "Happy and I have been working on a new skill!" Lucy rested her chin in her hands awkwardly on the table- to avoid jostling the girl who was fast asleep- and regarded the two idiots in front of her with a mild curiosity.

        "Hmm?" She asked drowsily, "Lets see it." Natsu and Happy beamed. 

        "Alright!" Natsu roared, a few tongues of flame licking from his mouth. "Happy! The fish." At the mention of fish Lucy's eyes widened, and she opened her mouth- a second too late. Happy had hurled the entire tray of raw fish high into the air, just as Natsu took a huge breath and roared out;

        "Fire Dragon's Roar!"  Blasting the falling fish, as well as the platter with super heater flames. Lucy shrieked, shielding her head, as bits of half charred, half raw fish rained down. She looked up, glaring at Natsu as soon as the shower had ended, just in time for an entire raw fish to dislodge itself from the rafters and land squarely on her face. It slowly slid from her face, and into her lap with a wet plop. Lucy didn't say any thing for a long time, But if you looked closely you could sense the dark aura emanating from her in waves. For someone like Natsu -who had experience for this kind of thing from ticking off Erza- No matter how much of an idiot he usually was, when he sensed that much killing intent his survival instincts automatically kicked in, so he grabbed Happy and ran. Lucy sat there steaming, her cheeks bright red with humiliation and anger.

        "Fire Dragon's Roar."  

        "Eh?" Lucy was startled out of her rage by the magical incantation. She glanced down at the girl, and saw that she was awake, and holding the raw fish in her hands staring at it.

        "Fire Dragon's Roar."  The girl said again. Lucy gasped, as circular tattoos appeared, glowing on the back of her tiny hands. A moment later a half dozen miniature copies of Natsu's Fire Dragon's Roar magical circle, flashed into existence, circling around the fish in her hands. Flames appeared, trickling out of the center of the circles and bathing the fish, cooking it lightly. The girl looked up at me beaming, her eyes wide and shining. Lucy bit her lip to keep from shouting; the girls' eyes were ice blue, complete opposite of the tawny golden brown they were before she had fallen asleep. Her snow white hair tumbled out as her hood slid off her head, showing her ears, twitching in excitement, in stark relief against her still form. She giggled up at Lucy, and in that moment the glowing tattoo's light began to fade. Sparks spit from the magical circles still spiralling around her hands, a lick of flame, then two escaped from it, scorching the table, and then suddenly, they completely burst apart, letting a wave of flame fly shooting up into the air, catching the wooden tables and rafters on fire.

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