Wake Up (9)

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Wendy walked into the room, nothing as much as moved, the entire room was silent, except for the woosh of the breeze through the open window at the head of the bed where Lucy lay. The billow of the curtains and the sweet tinkle of wind chimes filled the air with a peaceful aura.

Against her will Wendy felt herself relaxing, even under the apprehension of waiting. The strong scent of cinnamon-vanilla perforated the room. Wendy sneezed as she came in. The two figured by at the far end of the room were still, one prone, and one standing.

Upon seeing this Wendy felt the spiked ball of worry loosen in her chest and she dashed forwards. The small ragged girl had removed her cloak, and it pooled by her feet in a dirty mass. Her snow-white hair hung down to her ankles, full of tangles and snarls. Her fox ears stood out sharply against her head, and they twitched when Wendy gasped.

Quickly, Wendy gave Lucy a once over to ascertain her condition, and almost gasped again. With no sign of the burn blisters that had covered her from ankle to neck, Lucy slept peacefully. Sensing the faint residue of magic, Wendy grimly set her chin. It was her sleeping spell. Still not knowing what this meant she quickly turned her attention back to the fox girl, who hadn't moved when she had first came in, and still remained standing stock still.

She collapsed, Wendy caught her, having felt her weakness. Cradling the child's head in her lap, she looked for any injuries. A severely bruised neck and a swollen ankle were all she found, and she felt a fever burning through the fabric of her skirt.She prepared to heal. Before she could however, the girls eyes blinked open suddenly, tawny gold and piercing. She blinked, and ice blue eyes stared back at Wendy, who shuddered, but decided to continue. The bruises on her neck had swollen and Wendy could pick out the individual finger marks.

Definately having a talk with Natsu after this. Still unsure if her magic could heal the damage after her previous experience with the guild fire, Wendy hesitated before attempting to heal. Tentatively she touched her ankle, trying to remember her lessons with Grande- Porlyusica. But, before she could, the fox girl muttered something through her swollen throat, coughing a little. A circle glowed on her forehead, and the back of her palms. Only seconds later mini magical circles bloomed above the glowing tattoos and scattered over her body, concentrating on her throat and broken ankle. Wendy stifled a gasp, no doubt about it, this was her magic. Moments later, her injuries were seamlessly healed. Wendy bit down on a second gasp. The had once been her magic, but whatever made her able to use it, had also changed it beyond imagine. It was warped, not quite healing, but knitting bone faster than Wendy could possibly hope to.

She made as to rise. Wendy twitched and pushed her back down. The girl made a little gasping noise, surprised, and moved again. placing a hand on her forehead, Wendy resolutely pressed down. The little fox girl stayed down.

"Stay." Wendy said, not unkindly. "Please rest, its okay." She smiled gently to put her at ease. The girl conceded, relaxing, her eyes tawny again, and her ears limp.

A creak stirred the near silence in the room, and Wendy turned toward the noise. Lucy was awake. She moaned with the pain of muscles that hadn't been moved in days. She yawned, stretching with a pop of joints. She glanced down and spotted Wendy and the fox girl. Sleep bleared, she didn't register the two girls for a few moment.

"Good morning, Lucy-san." Wendy said pleasantly, and little taken aback.

"Good morning nothing! What happened! Where am I? Natsu...!?" Lucy freaked as soon as she could grasp a coherent sentence. She broke out coughing as soon as her tirade ended.

Wendy watched nervously, and hastily assured her everyone at the guild was safe.

"Now, all we need to do is wait for everyone to get here." She glanced at Lucy, "Chelia-chan will be with them so don't worry Lucy-san" Lucy nodded wearily and collapsed back against the bedframe, spent.

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