My Link to You (3)

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        The guild doors crashed open in the path of Natsu and Gray, arms interlocked in a fierce battle, Nastu spitting fire, and Gray having lost his shirt somewhere. Erza cleared her throat, and greeted Lucy and Wendy as they walked in. She turned and casually patted Natsu's head affectionately, and for some reason unbeknownst to her, he did a spontaneous face plant. Ah, perhaps I may have hit him a little hard. Her gauntlets clanged, her subconscious requip having changed her into armor.  Well, he'll survive. Erza grabbed the little girl's hand and pulled her over to Lucy and Wendy, where they were having juice . She squirmed in her grasp, But Erza resolutely kept her grip. The two wizards looked up at her approach, and their gazes landed on the little girl with open curiosity. 

        "Who's that?" Wendy asked. Carla looked up from her juice and hopped up to Wendy's shoulder for a better view.

        "How cute." Lucy said, leaning down to look at the little girl, "Is she a friend of yours Erza?"

Erza sighed. "No, just a little girl Millianna stuck with me." Her eyes gleamed menacingly.

        "Ah..." Lucy and Wendy said, both looking sorry they had asked. 

        "Wendy, your about the same age as this girl. Would you mind taking her for me. The distinct chill in Erza's voice made Wendy quiver, and she couldn't help but wonder why Erza was so irritated at the presence of the girl. She was about to ask when Lucy broke in:

        "Erza." Lucy laughed. "How ever you look at it, that kid can't be more than six years old!" Erza frowned and crossed her arms over her chest, embarrassed. 

        "I don't really like little kids..." Erza muttered, her cheeks tinged with pink. She glanced at the girl and was surprised to see she was cowering behind her. The girl looked nervous and she squeezed Erza's dark blue skirt in her tiny fists, as she peered out from behind her. Lucy smiled at the girl and stood up motioning for her to come closer. Erza was about to open her mouth to tell her that wouldn't work, when with a rustle of her black cloak, she darted out from behind Erza and over to Lucy. She dashed behind her and clung to her leg, her head only reaching midway up Lucy's thigh. Erza frowned a bit, as much as she disliked the child Millianna had suddenly thrust upon her, it irritated her that she had taken so suddenly to Lucy. However, Erza was interrupted from her contemplation by Mira sliding a slice of strawberry cake onto the table beside her. She abandoned her vexation to sit down across from Lucy and Wendy and begin to enjoy the cake. Mira passed a second slice to Lucy and returned to tending the bar. The little girl peeked from behind Lucy and stared at the cake with her large amber eyes, her stomach growled loudly and her cheeks turned rosy. Lucy laughed and patted the seat beside her, helping her climb up before handing her the plate. She stared at it with her eye even wider and stabbed the candied strawberry in the middle of the frosting with her fork, stuffing it into her mouth whole. By the time the cake was gone, her face was smeared with frosting and she was smiling happily, swinging her feet underneath the table. Lucy practically melted from how cute she was and couldn't help but envelope her tightly in a hug. She sighed happily in her embrace and looked up at Lucy, opening her mouth to softly whisper; "Tank you." before closing her eyes contentedly, and falling asleep in her arms.

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