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I groaned, fading into conscious against my will as my side was poked with an incessant index finger.

"Psst. Ellie."

My eyes wouldn't budge, refusing to peel open under the harsh rays of sunlight that reflected onto my closed lids.

"Psssssssst. Ellie!" Harry whined again, resembling an impatient child waking his parent on Christmas morning.

"You're so annoying." I groaned again, the trace of a smile outlining my lips as I felt his finger poke my cheek.

"We have a lot to do today." Harry told me, sparking my interest, and motivating me to finally open my eyes.

"Like what?" I asked excitedly, the smile on my face matching the one that spread across Harry's like wildfire.

"I have a few things planned," Harry grinned.

I sat up, admiring Harry's beautiful features with increasing fondness. His curls were disheveled from sleep, pointing in every which direction with adorable loops and swirls like a chocolate mop. His eyes were radiant and clear, like pools of green that sparkled like crystals under the lazy morning sunlight streaming in through the windows.

I wanted to kiss him.

So I did.

I leaned into him. At first, he was unsure of what I was doing, greeting me with furrowed brows and a puzzled expression. Once my eyes closed and my lips puckered however, he understood. He didn't hesitate in leaning into me, cupping my cheek gently as our lips met. His lips were soft, like two clouds meeting then melting into each other. He kissed me lazily, lacking the desperation that I was so used to but filled with something different, something deeper. He didn't kiss me like he needed to touch my body, he kissed me like he needed to touch my soul, and he succeeded in this. His kiss conjured something deep within me, an emotion almost overwhelming in its prominence.

When we pulled apart, I wanted nothing more than to fall back into him. I knew there was no rush, however, and simply smiled gently at him as he tucked my hair behind my ears. Our eyes met and again I felt hypnotized, completely enthralled by the infinite depths of those blazing emerald gems.

"Your eyes are like crystals." I accidentally spoke aloud, meaning to keep the thought within my mind, but unintentionally allowing it to float beyond my lips.

Harry chuckled, porcelain cheeks catering into two prominent dimples that concaved endearingly onto his skin. He leaned into me again, pressing a soft kiss to my lips that lingered only momentarily.

"You hungry?" He asked as he pulled away.

"Starving." I told him. He took my hand, guiding me up and off the mattress of the bed.

"C'mon," He spoke in a raspy tone. "I'll make you some pancakes."


Once our stomachs were satisfied and filled to the brim with pancakes, Harry took my hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously, watching him intently as he slid a key from his pocket and unlocked the door to the basement.

He remained silent, leaving my question to hang weightlessly in the air; utterly suspended by my own anticipation.

We took the steps two at a time, each wooden stair creaking under the pressure of our combined weights. I had never seen the basement before, and knowing that it was where Harry kept his "shipments", I had assumed it to be dark and dirty. I could not have been more wrong, however, and was genuinely surprised with what I saw. There were multiple rooms to the foundation. The main room had strikingly white walls, with floor-to-floor navy carpets that starkly juxtaposed the lighter contrast. The area was finely furnished, with modern couches and love seats that gathered round a dark mahogany coffee table, creating a homey and welcoming atmosphere.

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