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My chest rose and fell at an accelerated pace, my breaths were uneven and choppy as they squeezed from my lungs accompanied by multiple wheezes. My muscles burned from the unfamiliar sensation of the persistent exercise. I couldn't stop. I was almost there.

I recognized the street that I ran along-not bothering to slow my pace due to my fear of being found by Harry or his mysterious business partners-as located two blocks south of the cafe in which I worked. My heart slammed against my ribcage like that of a hammer against cloth, partly because of my fear, and partly because of my excitement to be freed.

Eventually, I made my way to the street on which the cafe was located, slowing to a halt as I paused to catch my raggedy breath. I brushed off my dirty clothes, and tugged at my messy hair before proceeding to walk in front of the cafe. I peered through the large window that was positioned in front of the store, displaying the outside world to those sitting in the cafe, and allowing those on the streets to sneak a peek indoors.

I cupped my hands around my eyes, and leaned in, pressing my face to the glass to obtain a better look. Admittedly, I expected a havoc to be arising around my coworkers, I expected nothing but distressed faces, and the surrounding of police officers hoping to explain my disappearance. I expected tears and worry-lines and under-eye bags.

I did not, however, expect everything to look exactly as it did when I left, or for everyone to look as though nothing had happened. I had been gone for two days, yet no one seemed to be upset in the slightest. I was confused as well as angry for my unnoticed absence, and I took a deep breath before deciding that I would burst through the door and scream at every one of my coworkers and my boss for not realizing that I had been kidnapped.

Before I did so, I took notice of the familiar face that was smiling at a waitress, Anna. They were sitting upon a barstool, leaning over the countertop with a mischievous smile, and sparkling eyes. My heart stopped. My face burned.

It was Luke.

He was flirting. Flirting with a girl that I was relatively acquainted with, acting as though he hadn't a care in the world; as though his girlfriend had not been unheard from in two days. A large, gaping hole burned a void in my stomach, and I sucked in a breath to keep my eyes from welling up with tears. I thought for sure Luke would be horrified by my absence, but, as usual, I was wrong.

Turning abruptly, I decided I needed to get away from my workspace before I did anything stupid. I needed to go to my mother, she would know what to do in my situation. I started my descent down the partially busy street, most likely looking out of place due to the blood staining my shirt, and did attract a few strange glances. I didn't get very far before I noticed something strange: A man. Staring directly at me from his looming position over my shoulder. Perhaps I was traumatized from my experience in the alleyway, or perhaps I was just paranoid, but I could have sworn that he was following me. He kept a safe distance, but his blue eyes bore into mine every time I turned to see if he was still lurking behind me.

I took a sharp turn at a random street in an attempt to see if he would follow, and unfortunately, he did. My heart's speed rapidly increased inside of my chest, and I felt a panic begin to wash over me. I was free, I was out of Harry's house. I couldn't be contained again.

I broke out into a sprint, and he did the same, decreasing the space between us as his longer legs worked harder than my tired ones. I was crying; tears streaming down my frozen cheeks as a choked up sob remained lodged in my throat. My mind created an abundance of swindling thoughts to distract me of my endeavor, and in my moment of weakness, I stumbled on my own step, giving my follower an advantage. His body was thrown on top of mine, both of us collapsing onto the freezing pavement in a painful action that knocked the breath from my lungs.

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