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I clamped a hand over my mouth to suppress the noiseless gasps that tumbled haphazardly from beyond it.


My back came in contact with the hardness of the bookshelf as I backed slowly away from my hidden spot of observation. The warm sting of tears welled up in my eyes as the pure shock of it all set in.

Luke was there, Luke was kissing someone else, Luke is not at all who I thought.

My fingertips, still placed securely over my gaped lips, trembled violently as my body fell limp. My legs gave, and my brain made no attempt to stop my frame from losing control, and sent me falling to the floor.

However, before my unresponsive figure came in contact with the carpeted ground, I felt the pressure of two strong hands catch me mid-fall, tugging me back up to my feet, and turning me to face whoever they belonged to.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Harry spoke urgently, marbled eyes boring into my own, sending a shiver to rake through my quivering frame.

"I-It's Luke." I quaked in broken tremors, the air feeling caught in my lungs as my breaths came out in random spurts.

Without another word, Harry left me alone, stomping into the next aisle with dark eyes and furrowed brows. Forcing myself to maintain my faltering composure, I scrambled over to my previous spot, peeking through the unoccupied space between two books where I could still see a confused looking Luke.

Luke's face changed quickly once Harry entered his line of vision, shifting from confusion to an expression of pleasant shock.

"Harry!" He spoke cheerfully, as if they were old friends. My jaw dropped once more as the two greeted each other in a civilized manner. Harry, on the other hand, did not look as thrilled to see Luke. He clenched his jaw as he glared down at Luke's female companion, who scurried away like a deer in headlights, exiting the cozy book shop hurriedly.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked lowly once he and Luke were left alone, eyes darkening as he took a menacing step toward my ex-boyfriend.

"I'm just checking out some books." Luke replied smugly, crossing his arms over his chest as a sly grin tugged at his lips.

"You know you're not supposed to be around here. You know the agreement." Harry warned in a deep hum that seemed to vibrate through his chest, each word dangling heavily in the air.

"Relax, Styles," Luke smirked, tugging his coat over his shoulders, then zipping it up once it covered him. "I'm here on business."

"You have no business here and you know it." Harry's voice strained to maintain a quietness, a prominent vein in his neck bulging out from beneath the flesh. "You know what will happen if you're in this area again."

Harry's words evidently had an affect on Luke, for his calm countenance reddened with anger, as a fierce scowl contorted his features. "You and I both know that your threats are nothing but empty." He growled, taking a deep breath, and seemingly ridding himself of previous rage. "Good luck with your little...predicament, Styles." Luke smirked, turning away from Harry, then making his way towards the exit of the shop.

Once I heard the doors close behind him, indicating his lack of presence, I emerged from my hiding spot. Harry's back was to me as shallow breaths fell from his lips as he attempted to control the fury that seemed to be bubbling up inside him.

"How much of that did you hear?" He asked me quite calmly, turning his body so that he stood facing mine.

"The whole thing." I crossed my arms over my chest. "You need to start talking."

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