Տᕼᗴ'Տ ᗰIᑎᗴ ➪ᑕᕼᗴᖇᖇYᒍᑌTՏᑌ

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The moment her hair went up into a bun was the exact moment something clicked inside him. His pulse quickened, fingers clenched into a tight fist and his teeth started grinding together. 

Her slender white neck was exposed, tiny strands of dark hair stuck out loosely from the bun, even the tiny baby hairs that fell against the back of her neck irritated him. And when she went to brush her bangs to the side he found himself choking the plastic red cup in his right hand. She was too fucking cute. 

But the worst thing was that she wasn’t doing this in front of him. She was talking with the single members of their friend group. It wasn’t even the males that were killing him inside. It was both genders. That smiled and laughed with her and watched when she pulled her hair high towards the top of her head and stretch the hair-tie to hold her thick hair up. And he watched male and female eyes fall to the pale skin of her neck and shoulders and at that moment he wished that she hadn’t chosen a strapless dress to wear to tonight’s party. 

Honestly, Hinata was free to wear whatever she wanted, it wasn’t like she had to ask permission to wear clothes, Naruto wasn’t that type of controlling boyfriend. But when she did things like this–and something so simple!–in front of others it drove him mad with jealousy. It was like she was doing this on purpose because she knew it would cause a response inside him. And if that’s what she was thinking, she was absolutely right. 

“Naruto, are you all right?” Lee placed a firm hand on the blond’s shoulder, dark eyes filled with concern for his friend. 

Naruto’s blue eyes glanced to his youthful friend and offered him a smile, easing Lee’s worries some. “I’m good. I just need to go talk to Hinata really quick, I’ll be right back.” Lee’s hand fell from his shoulder and gave Naruto a thumbs up, encouraging him to do his best. And he would do his best. 

As Naruto walked over to Hinata his eyes never left the fragile looking skin of his girlfriend. The sight of it drove him mad, he wanted to defile that skin so she’d get a very specific message in her head. And when her eyes locked with his a troubled expression came to her features, and suddenly she felt in trouble. 

“Naruto-kun?” His dark haired princess searched his eyes, looking for answers to his disgruntled appearance. 

Naruto’s hand found her’s and wrapped around it tightly. “Can you come with me for a second, please?” His voice was mono-toned, something Hinata wasn’t used to. 

She gulped, squeezing his hand back. “Sure.” She told their friends she’d be back shortly, waved and then followed after Naruto. 

A million thoughts ran through his mind, some terrible, some sweet, and some outrageous. He wanted jealous revenge and he let the jealousy he was feeling engulf him as he opened the bathroom door and pulled her inside quickly before any wandering eyes could notice them. 

Hinata’s eyes were wide, and nervous tremors rocked her body. “What’s wrong?” Her fingers pressed against his chest when he brought his body close to hers. 

He pushed her back against the sink, his hands gripping at the porcelain. His eyes smoldered and his lips smirked mischievously at her. “Do you enjoy making me jealous?" 

"What?” His question confused her, what was he talking about?

His hand came up and fingers reached out, gently pulling at their thin strands of baby hairs at the back of her neck and then pulled firmly at her bun, loosening it a bit. “You put your hair up.”

“Y-yes,” her voice quivered. Who was this Naruto? “It was getting hot.” She answered the why that was unspoken but was in his eyes. 

His fingers that were wrapped in her hair came out and pressed to his warm neck, that had just a bit of sweat sheen to it. “When you expose your skin to other people, it drives me insane and makes me incredibly jealous. I don’t like when other people look at places that are mine.” His words turned into a low sound, like a guttural growl and it made her skin crawl in the best way. 

“Yours?” Hinata challenged, raising her brows.

“Yes. Mine.” And then his lips were on hers. Parting them roughly as his fingers pressed into the small of her back. She let out a moan into his mouth, encouraging more from him. But he pulled away, leaving her with her eyes closed and mouth yearning. 

“Why did you stop?” She asked sheepishly and with the color of embarrassment coating her cheeks. 

Naruto chuckled at her words and the expression on her face. “Because I want to do something else.” He leaned in once more, kissing her before his lips moved along her jaw line. “Mine.” He said against her jaw then he pressed his lips to the spot just below her earlobe, making her shiver and clutch at his shirt. “Mine.” He said again before moving his lips off the spot and press back down onto the fine skin of her neck, and he could feel her pulse quicken under his touch. “Mine.” When he said it this down he grinned widely before parting his lips and biting at her neck. 

“N-Naruto-kun!” The feeling shocked her system and her fingers now pulled at his shirt. 

He continued to bite and suck at her skin, leaving dark red marks in place of the kiss. He did this over and over, even leaving a few on her shoulders. he was marking her because he was jealous, she had made him like this and this would hopefully get the message across to her of how she was making him feel tonight. And if she didn’t, other people would get the message that she was his and his alone and their casual looks on her skin were not welcome. It was weird to him that he was now discovering his jealous side and this was his response to it. It was childish but he was satisfied with his work when he pulled away and gave her his signature crooked smile. 

“Wh..Why did you do this?” She immediately turned around to look in the mirror, examining her neck and shoulders her face entirely red with both rage and embarrassment. “What am I suppose to do now?” She looked at Naruto’s eyes through the mirror, his mocking grin making her even more irritating. 

“Guess you’re going to have to put your hair down now.” He kissed the top of her head after pulling the hair-tie out, her dark hair falling over her shoulders and framing her face, casting her neck in shadow. 

“Jerk.” Hinata grumbled as Naruto left the bathroom chuckling. 

Naruto returned back to Lee, apologizing for being so long. They resumed their previous conversation, while his eyes wandered to the bathroom door that Hinata slipped out of, face still red while she fussed with her hair, making it so his marks were covered. When she returned back to her group of friends Naruto couldn’t help but smirk, he had done his job and had done it well. 

“What is up Naruto? You are looking at Hinata-san oddly.” Lee was looking where Naruto was looking.

His blue eyes looked away then, his smirk never leaving. “I guess I was just thinking how wonderful it is that she’s mine." 

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