ՏᑌᑎՏᕼIᑎᗴ ᗪᗩYՏ - KᗴᗷᑕᕼII

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Rushed footsteps echoed through the house as Hinata was just about to start preparing dinner. She stopped cutting vegetables and looked over to her shoulder. Little Boruto's head popped from the kitchen doorway with an expectant look on his face.

"Mama! Is Daddy home yet?" Boruto asked ethusiastically.

She knew the reason why Boruto was excited to meet his father. It was Naruto-kun's birthday, after all. However, Naruto's training to become Hokage didn't exempt him even on his birthday although he did say he was coming home early for dinner. Hinata was determined to make tonight's dinner a feast.

She carefully placed the knife on the cutting board as she shifted her full attention to her son. "Have you finished your present for Daddy?" She asked, eyeing the piece of paper he was trying to hide behind his back as he walked into the kitchen.

Grinning widely, Boruto looked up at his mother before thrusting the paper he was holding in front of him for his mother to see. "Ta-da! I finished it! I wrote it by myself, Mama!"

Delighted for his achievement, Hinata smiled and examined the piece of paper Boruto was presenting. It was folded and on the front was a drawing of what she supposed to be was her husband. Catching a glimpse of writing on the inside of the handmade card, Hinata couldn't help but be excited on what her child had said to his father. She paused when she saw the shift of expression on her son's face. He was suddenly silent and his gaze fell to the ground along with his hands holding the card.

Worried, Hinata asked, "What's wrong, Boruto?"

"What if Daddy wouldn't like it?" He was pouting. "It's not the same as the toys you give me, Mama!" Boruto paused as he thougt of something. "Maybe I should buy Daddy a toy car, too…"

Hinata could only giggle at her son's predicament. She held on to Boruto's free hand. "I'm sure Daddy will like whatever you give him." She was glad that made her little boy smile again. "Come on," she said, tuggig gently on Boruto's hand, "Why don't you help me prepare dinner?"

Even though he was tired out of his mind, Naruto was excited to come home for dinner. Still, he was a little worried. His work had seemed like it had been adding up every hour and he was able to finish it thirty minutes after nine. He didn't like making his family wait for him and leaving them tired the next day. And so it didn't surprise him to see the lights from the house turned off when he turned the corner and caught sight of it.

Dejected, Naruto walked up the steps and opened the front then locking it behind him. He didn't bother turning the lights on and went straight to the kitchen. He felt for the light switch and flipping it on when he found it.

Then there was light.

And there, apparently, was Hinata and Boruto grinning at him with a heap of tasty-looking food in front of them.

"Happy birthday, Daddy!"

Both surprised and delighted, Naruto could only open and close his mouth like a fish and Boruto laughed at him.

"You're like a fish, Daddy!" He ran and jumped up. Naruto was quick to catch him and hug him tight.

"I didn't know what to say! You surprised me!"

Boruto drew back from the hug. "I was totally like a ninja, right, Daddy?"

"You sure were," Naruto answered before shifting his gaze to his wife walking up to him and he held out his free hand for her to hold.

Hinata took it. "Welcome home, Naruto-kun."

Naruto's smile mellowed at the warm affection his wife was giving him. With a gentle tug, he brought Hinata closer and kissed her on the top of her head. "I'm home, Hinata," he murmured against her hair.

Boruto made a face at the public display of affection. "Bleeeeergh! Can we eat cake now?"

Both parents could only laugh.

As Boruto took a large bite off his cake, Hinata reminded him about his present for his Daddy.

"You got me a present?" Naruto lost count of how many surprises he had for the whole day.

Hastily, Boruto got off his seat and ran up beside his father. Naruto adjusted on his seat to face his son properly. Boruto held out his handmade card to his father, "Happy birthday, Daddy!"

How adorable can his son get? With an overwhelmed heart, Naruto took, what he now officially called, his most treasured handmade card and thanked his son. Boruto grinned and ran back to his seat, more than ready to finish his cake.

Naruto looked at the drawing of what he supposed was him and admitted that he did kinda look like a pineapple sometimes. He opened the card and it read:

dear Daddy,

Hapy burt day daddy! Yu are da best daddy end ninja in da hole world! Wen i grow up i want to bee just layk yu! I love yu Dady!



Hinata jerked when she noticed her husband was silent beside her. She placed a hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay, Naruto-kun?"

She was surprised when Naruto suddenly looked up with tears falling down his face like a river.

"Boruto, I love you!"

Boruto looked up and grinned, his teeth and face messed up with cake. "I love you, too, Daddy!"

Then Naruto's attention whipped to his wife beside him. "Hinata, I love you so much!"

Hinata smiled. Her husband was silly but he was so loveable. "I love you, too, Naruto-kun."

Naruto was happy and content with his family but little did he know that three months later, there would be an addition to their family tree.

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