ՏᑌᑎՏᕼIᑎᗴ ᗪᗩYՏ - KᗴᗷᑕᕼII

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• Dream •

He reached out on the other side of the bed and found it empty. Naruto slowly opened his eyes as his groggy mind wondered where his wife was.

Sunlight peeked through the curtains as he got up. Naruto swung his legs to the side of the bed and that was when he noticed the bathroom door was left ajar and a vague sound of someone vomiting. Suddenly awake, he immediately stood and went to the adjacent room.

His heart dropped at the sight of his wife crouched over the toilet, her hair cascading down in a messy state.

"Hinata?!" He immediately went to her, his heart beating fast against his chest. In the years that they have been together, Naruto was confident he knew all the stuff that would make Hinata weak, sick, give her allergies or give her stomach aches. So why in the world was she vomiting?

"Naruto-kun…" Hinata said weakly as Naruto gathered her hair away from her face.

"What happened? Are you all right?" A crease on his brow formed as he frowned at her state.

"I'm fine, please don't worry," his wife answered and offered a smile, albeit a weak one.

Naruto insisted that they should head to the hospital and have her checked up but she stubbornly refused, reminding him he still had work to do for the Rokudaime. Naruto eventually relaxed when she promised him she would visit the hospital later.

During the course of his work, Naruto couldn't help but think and worry about how his wife was doing. He eventually got scolded by Shizune and was punished by adding more work. He cursed at himself for losing the opportunity of going home early.

It was very late when he arrived and when he went to their bedroom, he found her slumbering comfortably on the bed. He was tempted to check up on her but decided he should have a quick bath before doing anything.

When he got out of the bathroom, Hinata was slowly sitting up as she rubbed her eyes. "Welcome home," she said gently as she smiled.

Naruto sat on the bed and reached for her, caressing her face with his hand. She didn't look pale like earlier. He softly whispered an apology for coming home so late.

Hinata shook her head, telling him it was fine. "Naruto-kun, I -"

"You've got to rest, Hime," he said and kissed his wife's forehead before pushing her down gently.

"But I -"

Hinata was once again cut off when her husband pressed his lips against hers. She blushed furiously at that.

"We can talk some more tomorrow. I don't want you looking like you did earlier this morning." He grinned when she finally nodded.

Morning came and Hinata was feeling nervous. She was supposed to tell Naruto something; something very important that simply telling him made her worry and afraid. Last night would've been better since her groggy state kind of helped with her nervousness and she would have told him with no problem. Currently, though, she was preparing his favorite meal and he was helping her, singing off-key as he worked around.

She worried how he would react to her news.

"Are you all right, Hinata?"

Hinata snapped out of her reverie and faced her husband's worried face. She laughed nervously, "Y-yes. I'm all right, Naruto-kun."

Naruto set the noodles he was holding and turned to her. "I'm worried about you, Hime. Lately you've been acting weird and most of the time you're spacing out." He took hold of her waist as he continued, "Did you really go to the hospital? Even if you did, we should go back there again."

"Naruto-kun -"

"We could go there right now. The ramen could wait."

"Naruto-kun, I -"

"Your safety is my top priority so let's go and change so we can go -"

"Naruto-kun, I'm pregnant."

"- and get you checked out. I'm sure Baa-chan is -" Naruto stopped when he realized what he just heard. He looked at her, his eyes slightly widened and stuttered. "W-what?"

Her heart clenched at the surprised and confused look on her husband's face. Hinata was afraid, really afraid, but her husband had the right to know.

"I'm pregnant, Naruto-kun."

He only continued to look at her, wide-eyed. Hinata was about to turn away when he spoke.

"I'm the father?"

She almost wanted to punch him to oblivion. Almost.

"O-of course, you are! What are you thinking?!" Hinata bursted, her face red from either embarrassment or annoyance.

Naruto grinned at her as he tugged her close and held her.

"Naruto-kun?" Hinata stayed silent as Naruto buried his face against her hair. At his silence, she could almost hear him crying and her heart reached out to him. She wrapped her arms over his shoulders and ended up being embraced tighter by him. "Are you happy, Naruto-kun?" she asked.

He nodded and pulled back to look at her in the eyes. He told her of how she was a dream come true to him. The fact that she was carrying his child overwhelmed him so much that he cried and cried and Hinata didn't mind that the front of her shirt was getting soaked as she held him.

The next few minutes was spent with Naruto asking her questions about how far long she was in the pregnancy and him getting amazed that there was someone growing inside her. He kept placing his hands on Hinata's stomach, which amused the latter.

Not too long after, Naruto suddenly stood up and shouted, "I'm going to be a father!"

The next thing Hinata saw was Naruto performing the Shadow Clone justu and then him (and the rest of him) jumping out of the window and shouting to the whole village that he was going to be a father. A few minutes later, Hinata was visited by her friends and congratulated them.

Even Sasuke and Sakura came. "Congratulations, Hinata-chan," Sakura said then soon after revealed her own state of being pregnant. The two women both squealed over the thought of babies.

"Hopefully, with the help of Hinata, the child wouldn't be like his idiot of a father." Sasuke commented dryly.

"What did you say, you bastard?!" Naruto exclaimed.

Hinata and Sakura simply ignored their husbands and went to have their own little chitchat.

A few months later, Uzumaki Boruto was born and life for Naruto and Hinata was perfect.

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