End of the fight

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Kion extended his sharp claws , he then went on to raise his paw and with bone breaking strength , his claws ended up raking Kiburi's right eyeball , not enough to cause a permanent scar or any permanent  damage but still enough to cause extreme pain which Kiburi made quite clear by thrashing around madly , meanwhile Kion's paw made contact with Kiburi's skull making a breaking sound which without any other sound present could be heard throghout the very entirety of the outlands itself and perhaps beyond .

Kiburi was trying really hard to get back his composure but Kion's blow hurt him much too badly for that and all he saw was said lion's cocky smile before he was knocked back several feet and collided with one of the outlander rock thing ( because I have honestly no idea what those things are if any one of you do please tell me in the comments or in the private messaging feature of wattpad ) .

All right that's all for today and I know I haven't uploaded in far too long but I am trying to figure out a new story and even though I have found some shows that I could make a story on I am stuck on the plot line so I may not be making another story till a find out a plot line that suits me which may take some time so if you want to see another story please tell me which show or franchise  you want me to make a story on if you I'll see if I can make a plot line which suits me and is more my style .

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