A kings duty part 2

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 Hello guys , sorry for not updating for a while but I had my end of terms exam , right now i have a couple of weeks of and may 1 will be when my summer vacation starts so thats the time I'll update the most , now let's get started .

"My name is Gage. I am the master of this herd and that cheetah tried to hunt us!"

All thee lions raised an eyebrow as if this was meant to be some kind of earth-shaking news.

"Yeah, buddy, ever heard of the circle of life? We need to eat too." Idan growled.

"My cubs needed to eat. His herd is three times as big as any others. They eat all the other herds' grass because there are so many." The cheetah tried to growl but her pain was too much. Both cubs tried to lick her wound and comfort her.

"No one hunts from my herd. Every buffalo here belongs to me! Anyone touches my property dies!" Kanda and the others saw a certain weariness and fear in many of the buffalos towards Gage, particularly the cows.

Gael carefully looked up at a nearby tree. A white owl sat in the tree and watched the entire ordeal.

Gael gave her a nod and the owl quickly flew off.

Kanda got between the cubs and Gage.

"Well as much as I admire a brave leader for protecting his pack, your little vendetta has to end here. You've entered the Kingdom of the Tree of Life."

"And?" Gage huffed.

"And, Queen Rani has decreed that her kingdom is a place of healing. Meaning you can't come here to hurt anyone else."

Gage shook his head.

"I'm the master of my herd. I do what I want! Your Queen can be trampled for all I care!"

The cheetahs nearly passed out in fear but the lions smiled.

"I'd be careful what you say. Our King and his Guard are very devoted to protecting the Kingdom." Kanda said in an eager fashion.

Gage huffed again and lowered his horns at the lioness.

"That's it, you're going to meet my horns now too. I don't see a King anywhere!"

"How amusing that you'd say that at this moment." Gage and the other buffalo heard a distinct and almost grading voice.

The cheetah and her cubs looked up with the buffalo at six new animals who stood on the rocks over them. Among them was a young adult, female lioness with green eyes. The second was a young-adult male lion with blue eyes. A large male lion with blue eyes. An tsavo lion with black eyes. A young-adult barbary lion  with dark-blue eyes.

In front of the other was a young adult male lion. His fur was a more yellowish-tan unlike the other lions and his mane was a deep red. The mane was almost fully grown in around his head. His eyes were a light brown with a notable scar over his left eye, though it did not reach his actual eyeball.

The lead lion also had a light blue marking atop his forehead.

Each of these animals bore a marking one shoulder. The marking was of a lion's head done up to appear as a tree, or perhaps the other way around.

Please guys read my other two stories the heir of chaos a percy jackson and harry potter crossover and dragonborn as I am trying to bring them back .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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