The Cursed Boy - 1 (Y.1)

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In all her years working at Blackwell's Orphanage she never saw anyone so similar to the boy.

Long ago Charlotte had worked at the old Wool's Orphanage, she couldn't seem to escape the rumors of a baby whose mother had passed away when she gave birth, and from what she heard, in all childhood, the baby hardly ever cried.

They'd never seen anything like it.

They never had to deal with the like of it.

Mrs. Cole, head of Wool's Orphanage at the time, spent her days finding any evidence that this child was connected to anything she could possibly suspect, the abuse, the terrors, one way or another, it had to be the child's doing.

One day, during the summer, when two children went with the kid into a cave, they both came back traumatized, they never got them to talk about what they had seen there, or what they had been through, yet for Mrs. Cole, it was obvious.

It was his doing again.

The troublesome child denied it all, said they had gone separate ways because they weren't all willing to go into that cave.

Then one day Charlotte found out that poor Billy's rabbit had died, sure, things like that happened all the time but the little boy was still heartbroken, however, there was one thing Charlotte never told Billy.

The only one she ever shared it with was Mrs. Cole and both agreed, it was another one of his moves.

After all, rabbits don't hang themselves, right?

Until Mr. Dumbledore came along, despite all of Mrs. Cole's and Charlotte's warnings, he still insisted on meeting the boy and offered to take the child into his school, they wouldn't have to see the kid for almost an entire year.

And all agreed.

As soon as he left, the Orphanage was peaceful, the mistreatment ended, children weren't scared anymore, and everything was the way it once was.

But every summer he was back, picking on the other children as always, Mrs. Cole had eventually begged Mr. Dumbledore to keep the boy at his school for good, but no agreement was ever made, he just kept coming back.

Until he was sixteen.

He ran away at night and never came back.

The Orphanage had decades of peace after the teenager ran away, until the place closed.

That's how Charlotte ended up here, now head of Blackwell's Orphanage, a few years ago a poor baby was dropped off, Charlotte was worried he wouldn't make it but the kid pulled through, it was a miracle, he was their miracle.

She never thought he'd turn out like that.

And once again, Mr. Dumbledore was back, to take yet another troublesome child.

- You'll regret it, he's no better. Charlotte said, she kept her eyes off Mr. Dumbledore, both had aged but he didn't seem to feel the change. He's another nasty one.

Never would she admit saying those things wounded her, she had loved that boy as much as she loved the other kids and yet he scared her to death, she'd tried so hard to keep him out of that path, but nowadays, he already walked it.

- Perhaps. Mr. Dumbledore said, he too knew very well what could happen, but he couldn't allow it, he couldn't let another fall. Or perhaps not, how is he?
- Well, he's no Riddle. Charlotte said, taking an umpteenth sip of the tea that Mr. Dumbledore had prepared for her. But he's getting closer, poor Jenny hasn't left her room for weeks now, they won't tell us what happened but she's terrified of him.
- I see. Dumbledore said, he knew Charlotte couldn't read anything of him, and he knew that annoyed her. Is there anything else I should know?
- Well, he's a troublemaker. Charlotte said, as a slight playful smile rose to her lips. Wherever he goes, something disappears! A few months ago it was poor Gabe's teddy bear that went missing, then it was Y/N's bedside lamp and now... well, his record's broken, again.

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