The Cursed Boy - 5 (Y.1)

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Y/N's eyes shot open as he straightened up in his bed, his surroundings were a blur and for one brief moment he couldn't remember where he was, yet one same voice kept playing in his mind, saying one sentence the boy couldn't remember no matter what.

Then the events of yesterday flashed through his mind, he could remember his arrival at Hogwarts, the Sorting Ceremony, the greatest dinner he had ever eaten in his life and the night in the dorms.

- What's wrong with me? He whispered, running a hand down his face. 

The light snores coming from the different beds of the room pulled him out of his thoughts, it was only then that he noticed the sleepy, half-open eyes of his cat staring at him, no doubt he might have poked Hazel a bit when he woke up so suddenly.

After all, he knew it tended to spend a lot of time with him, even at night.

- I'm sorry. Y/N whispered, as he petted his cat's ears, something Hazel loved. 

But all good things must come to an end, even for poor Hazel.

She watched as young Y/N got out of bed, realizing that he didn't plan on spending another minute in that bed, he quickly reached into his belongings and pulled out the first book he touched, 'Quidditch Through Ages' it was.

He silently walked out of the dormitories, blending perfectly into the shadows that accompanied the spiral staircase until he was in the Gryffindors Common Room, the fire was still burning as someone sat there, in one of the closest chairs, to stay warm.

There she was, in that very chair, reading a book.

Hermione Granger was also awake.

But Y/N didn't think anything of it, he went and sat down in one of the chairs, not paying any attention on how he had just startled her, in fact, he had probably never seen anyone clutch a book so tightly in his entire life.

- I must say, you scared me. She spoke, after long seconds of silence. Oh, what are you reading?

Once again, Y/N wrapped himself in silence, barely taking his eyes off his book to glance at her.

- Can I at least have your name? She asked politely, nervously fiddling with the edge of her book.

Again, silence was the only answer she got, it had to be said that Quidditch proved to be a lot more interesting than Y/N expected and much more interesting than she was.

Hermione knew that some people were 'difficult' to talk to, she had to admit she herself had ended up among those at her old school but she never had met anyone as annoying as the likes of L/N, Y/N.

Oh she sure knew his name, she heard it at the Sorting but when she learned she'd go to Hogwarts, she made a promise to herself.

She wouldn't be as lonely as she once was.

And this boy, he seemed as lonely as she had been.

- Is this... Is this a book about Quidditch? She asked, as a cat she found beautiful wandered by the fire.
- Are you done talking to yourself? He answered, as he only glanced slightly in Hermione's direction.
- What? But... Hermione stammered, as she clearly hadn't expected that sort of answer.
- Still not, apparently. Y/N mumbled, a slight sigh slipping from his lips.

Hermione couldn't believe it, she thought he was just a bit annoying but he was actually that rude, really had no form of respect and made no effort to 'understand' others, she was starting to like him less and less.

The Cursed Boy - A Hermione X M! Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now