The Cursed Boy - 3 (Y.1)

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Convincing the Sisters to let him go proved to be even more difficult than he had thought, since in fact he hadn't convinced them, he simply used one of the oldest known tricks on earth to get to this station.

He had run away without anyone knowing it.

Needless to say, he was very grateful that he wouldn't be around when they found out, and he sincerely hoped that he would be on that train to Hogwarts before Annabelle heard about it.

She would definitely be willing to come all the way down here to make sure he'd never get to that school as a punishment.

He had also 'borrowed' some money from the Sisters' funds, unfortunately a free train to London was still something he wouldn't ever find, so he had broken into Annabelle's office the day before he left and found a couple of spare change.

Was there anything wrong with stealing that? Probably not.

But that wasn't something he should be thinking of, after all, he'd been looking for the 'nine three-quarter' platform for the past ten minutes, and it was nowhere to be found, which was starting to annoy him quite a bit.

He leaned over the cart on which was piled all his stuff (which had been a pain to carry all the way here by himself), looking at the cage in which was resting peacefully his cat, affectionately named Hazel.

- You wouldn't know where that platform is, would you? He asked weakly, catching his cat's attention for a few seconds.

The animal raised its head slowly, its piercing gaze meeting the E/C eyes of its owner who had no idea where to go, but all he could read in his cat's eyes was...

'Don't ask me, sleepin.'

So he did the only thing he could do with what he knew of this train, ask a Muggle a question without trying to draw any suspicion on what he really was, as an old man had said he's 'not to tell a single soul'.

He walked into the station, pushing his cart, which was getting quite heavy for a poorly fed boy, until he crossed paths with a station employee, a man whose job seemed to really please him.

- Excuse me sir, would you know where the train for Eleven o'clock is? He asked, trying to be as polite as he could.
- Eleven o'clock? Let me check. He said, pulling a notebook from his pocket. Sorry but there's no train at that time, kid.

The man left, leaving the boy behind, of course, Y/N was no fool, he had easily guessed that the way to enter this platform had to be magical, there was probably some kind of passage that only Wizards knew about, which was very handy when you were a young Wizard who knew hardly anything about the Wizarding World.

So he did the only thing he could in this situation, wait, wait and hope a Wizarding family would show up between the platforms nine and ten so he'd finally know how to get on that damn platform.

- Don't think of it as a wall sweetie, it's only a barrier. A woman said, crouching down next to a girl who looked about the same age as Y/N.

Of course, the boy did not fail to spot this detail, he knew they were Wizards, the girl too had piled countless things on her cart, on top of which was a large silver cage in which an owl stood.

He then pushed his cart, making his way towards them through the crowd of Muggles waiting for their trains, all he had to do was ask them so he'd finally learn the way to the platform.

The girl dashed under her mother's advice straight into the wall in front of her.

Y/N, who was about to witness one of the most painful crash he'd ever see, was quite surprised to see that no such thing ever happened, or rather, that the girl just ran through the wall as if it was not even there.

The Cursed Boy - A Hermione X M! Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now