What's up Author?

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Seven months, huh? Been awhile.

I suppose, the most important part of what I'll be sharing here is, Cursed Boy will sadly be discontinued.

Gotcha there.

Now that's out the way I owe some of my faithful readers, if there's any left, an explanation as to why I haven't been updating this book in seven entire months.

First, I've dropped out of college.

Second, moved out of my tiny student housing.

Third, I'm working on lots of other books that I haven't even teased yet but here's what's to come: a story about some guy who dresses in red and shoots webs?? Another story about some guy surviving into an apocalypse where zombies won't ever be called zombies, yet another story about some guy in an apocalypse where someone decided to drop fucking nukes all over the world? And a story about some guy trying to survive some weirdo dressed in black, wearing a mask, also has a stab fetish.

This doesn't even cover half the shit I'm writing about.

I'd also like to say Cursed Boy hasn't been in a hiatus either, I've been writing for this book more than you'd guess, but as always things tend to go south as I've improved a lot my writings these past seven months, that is why, I'll be redoing the past chapters to fit my current level later, rather than never.

Anyway, that's all there is to know about Cursed Boy and its dear Author who hasn't found a proper pen name yet.

Sincerely, some guy who still hasn't figured out a damn decent username, see you! Soon.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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