The Cursed Boy - 7 (Y.1)

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His ears were buzzing with Harry and Ron's whispers, the two fools had apparently managed to find their way to the trophy room without being caught, had then fallen into Malfoy's trap, only to run away to safety.

But from what they whispered so loudly, safety turned out to be a giant three-headed dog.

Furthermore, Y/N still hadn't managed to forget Malfoy's head when he found out the two hadn't been caught.

Hermione Granger was part of that story too, although she at least showed the good sense to keep quiet about it, unlike the other two boys - you see, Granger wouldn't say a word about it to anyone, she was too upset for that.

All Y/N heard were a few whispers debating Harry and Ron's stupidity, which could have gotten them expelled!

Though Harry and Ron didn't seem to mind, they were far too busy worrying about what that three-headed dog was even doing in the castle and what he was keeping, for they had spotted an important detail: said dog happened to be oddly housed in the same room as a hatch.

And yet, even after a week, the two boys still couldn't stop yapping about what happened that night, and were now more eager than ever to go back to uncover the mysteries of whatever the dog was keeping in there.

But, to Y/N's delight, the owls swooping into the Great Hall finally managed to snatch Harry and Ron off anything dog-related.

Six particular owls flew straight for Harry as they carried a large parcel, a parcel they dropped once they'd gotten close enough to where Harry was, knocking over all the food the parcel landed on.

- A Nimbus Two Thousand! I've never even touched one! Ron said, clearly envious; it was no big secret his family couldn't afford something like that.

Even Y/N had to admit it was pretty impressive Harry got such a broom, especially as he couldn't think of any reason why Potter ought to be able to get something like that, and after all, weren't brooms supposed to be off-limits to first-years?

- Come on! Harry prompted as he rose from the Gryffindors' table, no doubt he didn't want to delay opening the parcel any longer.

Over the past few days, Granger seemed to be glancing more and more at Y/N since she'd met the three-headed dog, after all, the boy was partially responsible for what happened and she apparently didn't believe it possible that he couldn't hear her asking to open the portrait.

So although she wouldn't talk to Harry, Ron or Y/N, the latter knew she was dying to know whether he'd left her out there on purpose or whether the whole thing was a genuine error.

Anyway, this wasn't the time to get sidetracked, it'd been a good ten minutes since Harry and Ron had left the Great Hall, it was about time Y/N did the same, after all, classes were about to start too.

And since he didn't yet know the castle inside out, he usually left a little early so he'd never be late.

- Oh, delightful! Sir Nicholas said, as he just popped through one of the hallway walls where Y/N was, exactly what he needed. Quite simply, delightful!

Y/N wasn't exactly being fair, Nicholas wasn't a bad person or as close as annoying as an Hermione Granger but let's just say that someone who'd been dead for a hundred years... could get lonely sometimes, so they needed someone to talk to, even if just for a few minutes.

- Ah! Y/N, have you heard? Nicholas asked, he sounded as cheerful as usual, he was probably the nicest ghost, towards anyone. Gryffindor found themselves a new Seeker!
- Have they? Y/N asked, Nicholas took any piece of favorable news for Gryffindor as a major win, no surprise given how the ghost kept urging new years to help win the house cup.
- Harry Potter, it is. Nicholas spoke as he floated by the boy, trying to settle on his walking speed. Gifted he truly is, it was about time Gryffindor found themselves a worthy Seeker.

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