Hinata 💧

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*TW: This has rape, self harm, suicide, and etc*
-Please read with that in mind. Do not read if you are sensitive to those subjects that i have listed above.-
(Also, this is not the sequel to the song)

          'Why though? I thought they loved me so why? So why did they call me disgusting for something I couldn't control? It's not my fault. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. It's not my fault... or is it? Is it my fault? It must be if they left me. I have no one now so it must be my fault. I should take the blame... but it was something i couldn't control. I didn't want that to happen to me. I feel disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. I'm dirty. It's my fault, i should be blamed, but i said no but he still did it. That guy still did it, I resisted, but i couldn't, his grasp was too strong. So, how's it my own fault for something I couldn't get away from. I didn't want it to happen.' Hinata then laid in bed reminiscing about what happened. Scared, frightened about the past, he didn't want to remember, but he couldn't help it. It was a traumatizing experience and it left a scar on him mentally...

*November 20, 2020*

      "Hey! How was your morning Tsukishima?" Hinata asked as he was hanging in front of the gym door waiting for the captain of the volleyball team, Daichi, or the vice captain, Suga since they have the keys to the gym, besides the staff, however the staff was busy so they couldn't ask them. " Oh it's going good. Pretty much the same as any other day I guess." Tsukishima answered. "That's okay...I guess." Hinata replied, but also felt like something was off that day. Hinata felt as if trepidation had hit him in the gut. Maybe he was being delusional he thought, or maybe it's just his brain playing tricks on him. So, instead of acknowledging it, he decided to ignore it. " So how was your morning i guess?" That question brought Hinata back to reality, and he forgot about that gut feeling he had. " I'm doing great like always!" Hinata said, in a cheerful expression. Tsukishima felt as if something was wrong with Hinata, however decided to ignore it, since Hinata annoyed him, even though that was his boyfriend. Soon the rest of their team members came. "NOYAAAAA SENPAIIII!!" Hinata yelled excited to see his best friend. " Hey Hinata!" Noya replied with his tone sounding off. Hinata knew something was off, but even if he asked he knew his best-friend would probably not tell him. Though they were best friends they weren't that close. Hinata never realized though he has his boyfriends, he was never really close to them. They never even had a deep conversation, nor did they know each other that long before they decided to go out with each other. That was strange to him. He thought that being in a relationship meant being close to the people that you love, but that wasn't the case for him. They just hung out sometimes and talked. They never even shared their first kiss. This thought brought him back to the unpleasant feeling and made his anxiety worse. Though, Hinata doesn't seem like it, he is a pretty anxious person. However knowing his anxiety is increasing he decided to ignore that thought, because he doesn't like worrying about things, because if so it would just made his anxiety worse. Soon after, all the Karasuno volleyball members were at the gym, and they started practice warmups. " Hey Kags!!" Hinata called out to his other boyfriend. "Oi stupid what do you want" He replied annoyed that his boyfriend called out to him. Hinata hated when Kageyama called him stupid. What was the point of it? Why couldn't Kageyma call him by his actual name? They've been dating for a few months already. So it didn't make sense to why he would act like that towards Hinata. Now that he thought about it they haven't even said they loved each other yet and whenever his boyfriends him went towards the topic they would always try to avoid it.
     Soon practice came to an end and they had to get ready to head to class. When Hinata made it to his first period he saw his math teacher Mr. Fujikawa staring intensely at him making him uncomfortable. He then got that unsatisfactory feeling that he despised. Instead of confronting it though he decided to ignore it again, however no matter how hard he tried the teacher made him really uncomfortable when he kept staring at him. This made Hinata unable to focus in class, missing the whole lesson, Hinata sighed in relief as he was heading to his next class.

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