Akahina💧 p.3/ kitasunahina

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'And so the story goes, love grows and then it gets cut down'

*Hinata POV*

It's been a year now since Akaashi and I have ended things. I had dated a few guys, but it didn't work out. The first guy name was Itsuki Kenji.....

'Then crumbles like a rose and decomposes in the ground'

Itsuki-san was not a bad person. He was kind, loyal, and handsome. We dated for a few weeks, but it didn't work out. He was my first relationship since Akaashi cheated on me and I guess I wasn't totally over him...


I was coming home for work and my boyfriend Itsuki is coming over. We've been dating for 2 weeks now and I thought it was going good until he brought up a subject that made me break down. When he got here we went in the living room watching t.v. We then decided to make and eat dinner. When we were eating he asked " Have you had an ex before me?" It had been 6 months since Akaashi and me broke up and I thought I was over it until I started crying. I then nod at his questions. I then tell him what happened. He felt bad for me but knew that I was not completely over him. He then said we needed to break up because I was not over Akaashi.

*Flashback over*

That's how me and Itsuki relationship ended. We ended up staying friends. Then there was was Kai Fuji....

'It's tragic I suppose, like dominoes how it goes down'

Kai was nice at first but it went downhill... We dated for 4 months. At first I was starting to love him like I did Akaashi. But then it started... He began becoming cold and distant from me... Then he began coming home at 2 am smelling like cheap girls perfume. When I confronted him about it we got in a big fight and that's when he started to verbally abuse me this started at the 2 month point of our relationship. Since I started to love him I stayed. But then then 1 week ago was the breaking point for our relationship and we broke it off...

*Flashback 1 week ago*

I was coming back home from work. When I got home I was greeted by the sounds of moaning and skin slapping... I then go upstairs to see my boyfriend Kai balls deep into some girl. I then screamed at him only for him to say " Get the hell out you useless piece of shit!!" I then got angry and told him " What the fuck! How about you get the fuck out of my house you Stupid Bastard!!" Kai then got up and slapped me. By this time the girl was gone. I then said " We're done." He then packed his stuff and said " I only used you, you fucking ugly ass bitch." Kai then left and I was left there crying.

*Flashback over*

I hated how I let someone take advantage of me yet again.... I'm so fucking tired of this shit.

'The teardrops on the clothes, the beer knocked all over the ground'

     I then thought about how fucked up my life has been lately. Now I was crying like an idiot and decide to run away from my problems again by doing the same old thing, drinking. I go to the bar once I got their I asked the bartender for a beer. Then another and another, now I was on my 10th bottle of beer. The bartender then said " Sir that is your tenth bottle and I need you to cut of on the beer." I then said " Idgaf just give me another life sucks and I need to drown out my sorrow." When I said that the bartender gave me a sympathetic look. He then got another bottle of beer and past it my way. But as soon as I was about to chug down my sorrows with another bottle I was suddenly stopped when my beer was snatch. I then looked at the direction from the hand that snatched the beer. When I saw who it was I then said " HeYy Suna and KiTa- san." The next thing I knew is that I black out.

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