Hinata harem 💧angst

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~ hanahaki disease~ • harem: akaashi, Tsuki, bokuto, suga, miya twins, suna, kita, Kuroo, kenma, sakusa•
*Narrator POV*
Hinata was always happy so why did this have to happen to him. You would think that since he could get anyone he wanted because he beautiful on the inside and out, and had those sunshine smiles but sadly that is not the case. And after the decision he makes he won't be the same ever again.

* Hinata POV*
' I know if I don't get the surgery the flower will kill me but damn why couldn't at least one of them like me back. I mean I'm glad that they're happy with her it just sucks' . " Hey Sho-Kun do you want to come with us to mei's house?" Atsumu said. Everyone one of my crushes was there talking about their one and only, mei the one they love the most. As soon as all of them looked at me I looked pale. Of course I said "yes" because I don't want them to think I'm ignoring them which tbh I was. We went to her house and that was the worst thing to do. When we got there she looked at me with hatred. I said "hi" and she faked smiled and said "Hinata- kun I missed you!". She looked at my crushes aka her boyfriends and gave them a kiss and they all said I love you to her. By that time my heart felt like it was giving up and I can feel the rose petal crawling from my throat. I pretend that my mom called me and hung up. I made an excuse to leave saying my mom needs me home and left but as soon as I was about to leave I heard the one the thing that made my decision. "I will always love you and only you" mei said and smiled then smirked at me but it quickly vanished. The boys said the same thing and that was the final straw. As I was walking I was crying as I was coughing up blood and rose petals. As soon as I got home I told my mom about my decision. She knew I have hanahaki and at first told me to get the surgery but I refused and then she told me to think about it. The reason I didn't want to get it was because if I did I couldn't love or feel love or have anything to do with love and at first I didn't want that because I love them and my family and volleyball. But now that I think about it I would rather live instead of die because some people didn't love me back and it's not like I would care afterwards. So when I told mom that I was getting the surgery she made an appointment for Monday. Meaning in two days I will not have anything to with love

*timeskip after the surgery*

*Hinata POV*
I feel different like empty. I have school tomorrow. I also have volleyball practice.

*Timeskip to the next day*

*Narrator POV*
Hinata made it to school and he feels empty like he just can't care and to be honest he thinks it is way better than feelings. When he went to the gym. All of karasuno was shocked because their usually happy sunshine boy didn't smile and wasn't yelling and being enthusiastic like usual. Everyone was concerned but what surprised them the most was when he didn't ask Kageyama to toss to him and he looked rather bored. "BOKE HINATA BOKE!!!", Kageyama yelled at the boy. Instead of yelling back like usual he just said in a monotone voice "what." That's when they grew really concerned. Suddenly the gym door flew open and Takeda Sensei barged in and said that "We have a training camp in a week" all of Hinata old crushes were going to be there but Hinata just didn't care. That is what freaked everyone out he DID NOT CARE. He just said "ok" and left.

*Timeskip to the training camp*

When they arrived at the training camp all the other teams were surprised. Why? Because the "sunshine" Hinata Shouyou did not even notice them he just walked past them like they're nothing. What shocked people even more is when he didn't yell "KEEENNNMMMAAA" and hug him. All were shocked. That's when everyone got an idea and that was to follow the ginger. The ginger didn't notice so he decided to call his mom and decided to put his phone on speaker.
"Hey mom" Hinata said
"Hey sweetie! How was the trip there? " Mrs. Hinata said
" Ok. Tbh everyone was to loud for my liking I mean I don't really like or love anything anymore so it makes sense. The surgery worked well and actually it's way better not being able to feel love in my opinion."
All the teams were shocked on what Hinata said.
"Are you thinking of quitting volleyball ik you don't love it anymore so why are you still on the team?" Hinata mom asked.
"To be honest I don't know I just don't like it anymore. I'm most likely going to quit. Everything is so annoying like people are so loud can't they just shut up for once and I know that is mean but I just can't care or even like them anymore." Hinata said
"Ik you keep complaining and I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I know you loved them. But now just because of some person you liked didn't like you back you can't feel love. Well by sweetie I have to go." Hinata mom said
"Bye." Hinata said
Everyone was shocked and now they know why Hinata is like this. As for Hinata crushes they felt a pang in their heart knowing that the person they actually love won't love them back.

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